2019-11-12 12:03:58 -0600 | asked a question | Why does cv::VideoWriter close with corrupt avi indices? Why does cv::VideoWriter close with corrupt avi indices? I have a thread that runs as video recorder from a capture devi |
2016-12-28 00:43:22 -0600 | received badge | ● Necromancer (source) |
2015-11-06 12:06:59 -0600 | answered a question | OpenCV: Essential Matrix SVD decomp I am having the same problem on moving from Emgu 2.4.10 -> 3.0.0 CvInvoke.SVD(A.ptr, W.Ptr, U.Ptr, V.Ptr, DEFAULT_FLAGS); yields a diagonal W matrix with valid eigenvalues. CvInvoke.SVDecomp(A, W, U, V, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.SvdFlag.Default); yields a W matrix with elements set to zero. Other matrices look okay upon initial examination. Has anyone solved this problem? |