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2013-03-04 23:24:39 -0600 asked a question opencv-2.4.4 no in java.path.library error

I try to run the latest HelloCV tutorial on the latest tutorial page with eclipse and Windows, but I got no in java.path.library error error. This problem is similiar to this question but a bit different in the message.

I use the prebuilt java opencv-2.4.4.jar in folder C:\Program Files\opencv\build\java. I have set the Path in environment variable to C:\Program Files\opencv\build\java\x86 because there is opencv_2.4.4.dll file here and I use 32-bit version of Windows. I think i have problem with my path. What's the solution for my problem?

2013-03-04 21:47:55 -0600 commented question opencv-2.4.4 in java.library.path error

@fferrieu I have the same problem, what did u do to solve this problem? I use eclipse to run the HelloCV tutorial and follow the latest tutorial. I just found that my error msg is a bit different, I got "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no in java.library.path" while @fferrieu got "no opencv_java244in java.library.path", i don't know why, I used the prebuilt opencv_244.jar, someone please help..

I just found that my error message is a bit different, i got "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no in java.library.path" whle @fferrieu got "opencv_java244" on his msg, I don't know why, someone please help..