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MValeriy's profile - karma

MValeriy's karma change log

10 0 calculate the distance (pixel) between the two edges ( lines) ? ( 2020-11-30 01:15:38 -0600 )

10 0 how can I find the coordinates with the given step? ( 2020-10-28 01:30:04 -0600 )

5 0 Changed by moderator. Reason: Compensated by admin during recalculation of karma ( 2017-08-25 18:16:23 -0600 )

10 0 I have problem with function Find Contours! what could be the problem? ( 2016-01-28 06:13:28 -0600 )

10 0 how can I find necessary rectangle? or how can I find the width ( 2016-01-21 14:39:05 -0600 )

0 -5 how can I find the coordinates with the given step? ( 2015-12-14 07:58:18 -0600 )

5 0 how can I find the coordinates with the given step? ( 2015-12-14 07:58:11 -0600 )

5 0 how can I find necessary rectangle? or how can I find the width ( 2015-12-14 05:28:10 -0600 )

0 -5 how can I find necessary rectangle? or how can I find the width ( 2015-12-14 05:28:07 -0600 )

5 0 how can I find necessary rectangle? or how can I find the width ( 2015-12-14 05:28:04 -0600 )

0 -5 how can I find necessary rectangle? or how can I find the width ( 2015-12-14 05:28:04 -0600 )

5 0 how can I find necessary rectangle? or how can I find the width ( 2015-12-14 05:28:04 -0600 )

5 0 I have problem with function Find Contours! what could be the problem? ( 2015-12-01 04:33:40 -0600 )

0 -5 I have problem with function Find Contours! what could be the problem? ( 2015-12-01 04:33:40 -0600 )

5 0 I have problem with function Find Contours! what could be the problem? ( 2015-12-01 04:33:40 -0600 )

0 -5 I have problem with function Find Contours! what could be the problem? ( 2015-12-01 04:33:39 -0600 )

5 0 I have problem with function Find Contours! what could be the problem? ( 2015-12-01 04:33:39 -0600 )

0 -5 I have problem with function Find Contours! what could be the problem? ( 2015-12-01 04:33:27 -0600 )

5 0 I have problem with function Find Contours! what could be the problem? ( 2015-12-01 04:07:33 -0600 )

0 -5 how can I find the coordinates with the given step? ( 2015-12-01 00:30:40 -0600 )

5 0 how can I find the coordinates with the given step? ( 2015-11-25 09:32:27 -0600 )

0 -5 how can I find the coordinates with the given step? ( 2015-11-25 09:32:05 -0600 )

5 0 calculate the distance (pixel) between the two edges ( lines) ? ( 2015-11-25 00:50:48 -0600 )

10 0 how can I find the coordinates with the given step? ( 2015-11-23 07:32:00 -0600 )

5 0 how can I find the coordinates with the given step? ( 2015-11-23 07:18:02 -0600 )

0 -5 calculate the distance (pixel) between the two edges ( lines) ? ( 2015-10-27 03:38:28 -0600 )

5 0 calculate the distance (pixel) between the two edges ( lines) ? ( 2015-10-27 03:38:22 -0600 )