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2015-10-14 14:53:53 -0600 commented question cannot open source file

first time i Had it withouf "f", then i discovered thet there is "f" in tutorial so i put it there and with that include as you can see it automaticaly erase backslash here :)

2015-10-14 12:50:52 -0600 commented question cannot open source file

Yes, the first tutorial lead me to tutorial you posted first time. This is all steps i went threw:

  1. I downloaded OpenCV
  2. Extracted OpenCV to C: folder
  3. Created Windows System variable OPENCV_DIR with value c:\opencv\build\x86\vc12
  4. Edited path value, added %OPENCV_DIR%\bin
  5. In VS 2013 property manager created OpenCV_Debug and Release settings
  6. c/c++/General/Additional Include Directories added "f$(OPENCV_DIR)....\include;"
  7. Linker/GeneralAdditional Library Directories added "$(OPENCV_DIR)\lib;"
  8. Linker\Input\Additional Dependencies added "opencv_ts300d.lib;opencv_world300d.lib;"(in release its without d)

Can you find some bad steps here? Thank you.

2015-10-14 10:03:16 -0600 commented question cannot open source file

Yes, this is tutorial i followed. Dont know where the problem is

2015-10-14 09:01:22 -0600 asked a question cannot open source file

Hello there, I followed tutorial in On you pages "Installation by Using the Pre-built Libraries". Then I tried this simple cout function:

#include <opencv2\opencv.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void main()
    cout << "OpenCV Version: " << CV_VERSION << endl;

When debugging, VS 2013 throw me this errors: image description

I also folowed tutorial on Youtube which I think is the same as first tutorial.

Can anyone help me figure out this problem? Thanks much