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2015-08-28 05:44:03 -0600 answered a question How do you use OpenCV TLD from Python?

There is no wrapper available (yet?) for TLD. What you could do is to wrap the C++ library with some Python code. For example: Cython or Python C API

2015-08-27 07:13:53 -0600 commented question add specific module to python api

thanks for the link : ) I want to try the TLD algorithm from opencv_contrib/modules/tracking - but any in that module might do the trick. It seems like detection is usually accessible, but tracking (like with particule filtering for example) is not interfaced in Python.

2015-08-27 06:33:31 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2015-08-27 06:25:09 -0600 asked a question add specific module to python api

Hello, it seems like not all the opencv modules are available in the Python bindings. I am specifically interested in tracking from opencv_contrib. Is there a simple way to add it to the API?