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2015-08-26 03:50:19 -0600 asked a question Get Frame Over RTSP using Opencv and gStreamer

My aim is to get frame from ip camera over rtsp and apply motion detection. I had OpenCV 2.4.9 in my machine and I tried to get frames from the ipcam by using VideoCapture class. But I get "error while decoding MB" error .I was able to grab frames but they were corruped. I google the error and find this topic.

After that, I have downloaded and and build OpenCV 3.0 with gStreamer and without ffmpeg support as suggested. Again I tried to get frame with this straight forward code, but I cannot open the stream.

VideoCapture cap;"rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/Streaming/Channels/1?transportmode=unicast&profile=Profile_1");
Mat frame;
if (!cap.isOpened())
    cout << "Cannot open video frame" << endl;
    cvNamedWindow("camera", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
while (true)
    if (!
    imshow("ARH camera", frame);


I think, I am missing something but I cannot solve the problem. What is the problem here? Any ideas?
