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2016-07-16 18:54:59 -0600 asked a question Android Studio, OpenCV, C++, jni, NDK - unable to configure?

Sorry if re-posting here in addition to Stack Overflow is considered rude, I'm not sure about the etiquette rules on that. In any case I'm attempting to get the 2nd OpenCV sample:

working within Android Studio and I already made a detailed Stack Overflow post about where I'm stuck here:

Has anybody had some success with this? If so, please advise.

2016-01-25 18:37:59 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2016-01-24 13:40:35 -0600 commented question OpenCV - Is there a mailing list ??

Thanks for your assistance so far. I submitted and was approved to join the group. When I return to and sign in, there is not an apparent link for a mailing list. Is it a matter of returning every few days and checking the messages or is there an actual mailing list?

2016-01-20 06:59:22 -0600 commented question OpenCV 3 - BlobTrackerAuto equivalent?

Sorry, I found this page

which answers my own dumb question. It looks like the functionality I'm looking for will be re-introduced at a later time, but is not currently included in OpenCV as of 3.1, so I will dive into coding this myself.

2016-01-20 06:54:36 -0600 commented question OpenCV 3 - BlobTrackerAuto equivalent?

Thanks for the link. I took a look through those and found most to be in opencv_contrib.

When I tried to use them, I get red underlines in Visual Studio on the "#include <opencv2 tracking.hpp="">" line and any related lines thereafter. Do I need to do a custom compile and include opencv_contrib? I'm using OpenCV 3.1.0 with the pre-compiled binaries.

If a custom compile necessary, can you provide a brief explanation or link clarifying the decision to include some content in opencv_contrib? Does this mean these are experimental and not finalized at this time?

2016-01-20 06:30:05 -0600 asked a question OpenCV - Is there a mailing list ??

Can somebody advise if there is still an OpenCV mailing list? This page:

Mentions a mailing list, links to, and of course also mentions OpenCV answers.

Is the mailing list equivalent or is there a separate mailing list?

2016-01-20 06:22:35 -0600 asked a question OpenCV 3 - BlobTrackerAuto equivalent?

In OpenCV, is there still available a set of functions or an object to track blobs from one frame to the next in a video file (or from a webcam stream)? I'm looking for something similar to BlobTrackerAuto from OpenCV 1.x. It seems this was moved to the legacy directories in late OpenCV 2.x and has been removed from OpenCV 3.x entirely.

To clarify, I'm looking for something that assigns an ID number (or similar) to each blob and then tracks each blob from one frame to the next, and provides a data structure (list or vector or similar) that can be iterated through and the ID checked.

All the functionality in OpenCV 3.x seems to either return an image with blobs, or tracks keypoints from one frame to the next. I'm looking for something that tracks blobs, not the keypoints on the edges of the blobs.

I am aware I could do some sort of special OpenCV 3 compile to include the legacy code, but I'm not interested in going backwards in terms of OpenCV code/versions.

Yes, I realize I could code this functionality myself without too much difficulty, but before I go ahead with this I figured I would ask here in the event that somebody has more information on this topic.

So here are my questions at this point:

-In OpenCV 3.x, is there an equivalent to BlobTrackerAuto or similar?

-Does anybody know if the OpenCV organization has plans to re-include similar functionality in a future OpenCV release?

-Is there any official word or post somewhere from the OpenCV organization on the decision to remove BlobTrackerAuto in OpenCV 3.x without providing an updated equivalent? This seems to be a strange decision

2016-01-10 11:09:21 -0600 commented question Video of cars driving under a bridge - where to find ??

Yes, of course I'm aware of that. Two problems with that though, for one, that violates the YouTube terms of use, and for two, I could not find any good unmodified footage on YouTube or anywhere else.

2016-01-10 10:09:31 -0600 asked a question Video of cars driving under a bridge - where to find ??

Does anybody know of a publically available download of a video format that OpenCV can open (ex. avi, mp4, wmv, etc.) that shows cars driving under a bridge? I'm planning on making a car counting tutorial and need a good video to work with for this.

The video does not have to be especially long or high resolution. I'm looking for something similar to the following:

But before the video has been modified and available for download.

Before somebody responds "get off your lazy duff and go record cars at any nearby highway for 5 minutes", I live in Detroit and it's currently 20 deg. F outside and the road is snow covered and it's still snowing heavily, and the weather forecast calls for the temperature to not get above freezing for the next week at least, and I'm looking for footage where the cars and/or road are not covered in snow, so recording video in person is not an option for me in the immediate future.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

2015-08-17 09:58:32 -0600 received badge  Nice Question (source)
2015-08-16 12:27:44 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2015-08-16 12:10:32 -0600 asked a question How can we tell when the next version of OpenCV (ex. 3.0.1 ??) will be released ?

Good afternoon everybody,

I'm planning on updating my OpenCV installation tutorial video and associated GitHub project, and I'm curious as to when the next version of OpenCV (which I'm supposing will be 3.0.1 but I don't know that for a fact) will be released.

I'm asking this question specifically for information on when the next version will be released, but also generally as I'm interested in the process of how this decision is made.

Before somebody responds with "It's done when it's done", yes, of course I'm aware there is not an official published release date and the next OpenCV version will not & should not be released until it's truly ready.

However, I would suppose there must be some form of general discussion on this or some way to obtain an estimate? I've read through OpenCV DevZone, the OpenCV GitHub site, this site (OpenCV Answers), various other locations on the internet I could find, and of course the main OpenCV page (

The only rough estimate I have been able to figure is from looking at the previous releases it seems a version is released approximately every two months, and 3.0.0 was released June 4th, 2015, so 3.0.1 would most likely be released very soon, but this is clearly not a good estimation method.

Is there a forum somewhere where this is discussed that I missed? How is the decision of when to make the next release made? Is there a mailing list or similar I could get on where released dates are proposed or discussed? Is there any better way to estimate a next release date than what I mentioned in the previous paragraph? If anybody can provide additional information please respond.

If anybody is wondering about the particulars of why I'm concerned with the next release, I'd prefer to wait until I can re-do my installation tutorials on Windows 10 + OpenCV 3 + Visual Studio 2015, and OpenCV 3.0.0 does not include the pre-compiled binaries for Visual Studio 2015. Yes, I understand I can compile from source with VS 2015 and then use OpenCV 3.0.0, but for a beginner tutorial it would be much more understandable and consistent for an OpenCV beginner if I can start with the pre-compiled binaries, which I can't do until OpenCV ships with pre-compiled binaries for VS 2015.