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2015-08-14 09:41:36 -0600 asked a question OpenCV 3 not working

Hi guys,

I've been struggling trying to get OpenCV 3 to work on my system (Ubuntu 14).

Everything compiles just fine, but almost anything actually works. The GPU-based algorithms fail to run on my system. A typical example of the output is this one:

$ sudo ./gpu-example-houghlines X server found. dri2 connection failed! DRM_IOCTL_I915_GEM_APERTURE failed: Invalid argument Assuming 131072kB available aperture size. May lead to reduced performance or incorrect rendering. get chip id failed: -1 [22] param: 4, val: 0 X server found. dri2 connection failed! DRM_IOCTL_I915_GEM_APERTURE failed: Invalid argument Assuming 131072kB available aperture size. May lead to reduced performance or incorrect rendering. get chip id failed: -1 [22] param: 4, val: 0

I have to run with sudo, otherwise, I get instead this output:

$ gpu-example-houghlines X server found. dri2 connection failed! /dev/dri/card0 not authenticated Device open failed, aborting... X server found. dri2 connection failed! Trying to open directly...Device open failed

In any case, almost nothing works. My graphics card is a GeForce GTX TITAN X.

I appreciate your help
