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2015-06-30 11:05:21 -0600 commented question cherries defects detection

ok, thanks for the linked site, however i would not like to buy a machine i would like to make my own, cheap, case. May you send me any link to docs or licterature ? thanks...

2015-06-29 07:25:21 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2015-06-29 07:24:42 -0600 answered a question cherries defects detection

Hi Berak, i have sent some days ago a picture showing a couple of cherries, where one has a defect. Can you help me?

Matteo M.

2015-06-24 06:53:35 -0600 commented question cherries defects detection

image description Here's a picture showing a couple of cherry, the left one has a defect, the right one has not defects. Can you help me now Berak?

2015-06-16 06:18:54 -0600 commented question cherries defects detection

Hi Berak i'll send you a couple of test images tomorrow. thanks in advance for help

2015-06-05 11:11:06 -0600 commented question cherries defects detection

Use C++ don't scare me. Can you help me finding which tutorial or documents are fitting my istance?

2015-06-04 06:21:18 -0600 asked a question cherries defects detection

Hi all, i would like use openCV library to detect fruit's defects; especially viewing a cherry. I am an openCV Dummy, can anyone help me linking some library or docs to implement an algorithm to choose good cherry from bad cherry?

Now i am using Thanks for help

Matteo M