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2015-07-02 01:25:20 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2015-05-29 01:16:00 -0600 answered a question Use of feature matcher in stiching module c++

I got it it was just a matrix of 32_U . If there are 2 images then 2 feature pairs will be there ie a 2X2 matrix In that matrix (1,0)row and columns position indicate the pair match of first and zeroth feature if the value is 1 in that position create a matrix like that where only you need matching

2015-05-24 23:44:15 -0600 asked a question Use of feature matcher in stiching module c++

I have three images from left right and front cameras i want to match the features of left and front then front and right to find the camera parameters as a controlled matching using the function

void detail::FeaturesMatcher::operator()(const std::vector<ImageFeatures>& features, std::vector<MatchesInfo>& pairwise_matches, const Mat& mask=Mat()

here is the link to docs


features – Features of the source images
pairwise_matches – Found pairwise matches
mask – Mask indicating which image pairs must be matched

my doubt is how the mask is created for this matching if it gets created the i can specify the pairs kindly help me