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2017-05-13 13:51:10 -0600 commented question Tracker KCF

@berak, I built opencv-master with opencv_contrib-master libs as you suggested; and I now have access to the Tracker api and its documentation via the provided java wrapper. Big thanks for that.

2017-05-13 12:41:30 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2017-05-09 21:48:08 -0600 asked a question Tracker KCF

How do I create a Tracker object in Java? I find examples for C++ and Python, but I'm not able to find the interface for Java.

C++: Tracker::create( "MIL" );
Python: cv2.Tracker_create("MIL")

2015-05-09 11:47:41 -0600 commented question Callback buffer was too small

Did you ever find our what caused that error? I'm getting the same error too.

E/Camera-JNI(18041): Callback buffer was too small! Expected 608256 bytes, but got 38016 bytes!

2015-05-07 00:05:42 -0600 commented question Initialization worked with Android 4.2.2 not working with 4.3

I'm also having this problem. My App links to the OpenCV-2.4.9-android-sdk version and my device is a Galaxy Nexus with Android 4.3 and the latest OpenCV Manager from Google Play.

Although I'm using the JavaCameraView, I get this error when the code reaches this line:

OpenCVLoader.initAsync(OpenCVLoader.OPENCV_VERSION_2_4_9, this, mLoaderCallback);

I also tried to use OpenCVLoader.initDebug(), but it returns false and fails as well.

05-06 17:50:44.834: E/OpenCV_for_Tegra(6538): Cannot create OpenGL context