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2015-09-16 02:22:15 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2015-05-12 01:12:42 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2015-05-06 04:03:39 -0600 commented question Contours of height 1 and moment

There seems to be a border on top and left sides of the image, maybe that's causing the problem.

2015-05-06 03:43:58 -0600 commented question Contours of height 1 and moment

Did you try using cv::drawContours to draw this specific contour?

2015-05-04 09:53:15 -0600 commented question Decreasing ROI

yep, you're right! sorry for misleading comment :)

2015-04-30 10:26:39 -0600 commented question Decreasing ROI

I guess you are using cv::Rect, which means you get top left coordinates (x,y) and rectangle width and height. You can play with erosion, or just use these values to calculate new, smaller rectangle. Didn't really check, but should be something like this (10%): x_new = x + w/0.1, y_new = y + h/0.1, w_new = w(0.9), h_new = h(0.9)