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2015-05-28 15:32:58 -0600 commented answer image coordinate to world coordinate opencv

So you basically invert the pinhole camera equation and find out s such that the ray intersects with the z = 0 plane?

2015-05-28 13:04:36 -0600 commented question camera diagonal angle of view knowing camera intrinsic parameter

calibrationMatrixValues and Pythagoean theorem?

2015-05-28 12:11:01 -0600 commented question image coordinate to world coordinate opencv

@theodore: As far as I have understood one needs solvePnP() to get the position and angle of the camera in world coordinates. Once one has this, how does this function help? I am currently thinking about taking a random point on the plane and project it to the image and then iteratively see which points is closest to the given image point.

2015-05-28 07:52:44 -0600 commented question image coordinate to world coordinate opencv

I'd be interested in this as well. I need to know which ray each point on the image corresponds to. Basically I would apply the answer to your question twice for the front and back plane of the box I look at the connect them. Your question should be answerable with a bit of linear algebra if one neglects the curvature. I'll play around in Mathematica in the meanwhile.

2015-05-28 07:50:38 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2015-04-27 01:58:07 -0600 asked a question initCameraMatrix2D gives different results for similar cameras

I have calibration images that show the 3D vertices of a semi-transparent cube. There is only one image per camera, though. Since initCameraMatrix2D only supports 2D calibration patterns from different angles I tool the six faces of the cube as patterns and set the last coordinate to zero. This gave me six sets of four points each. For two supposedly similar cameras, I got a focal length that differed by a factor 6.

When I have an image of a 2D calibration pattern right from the top, is there any way the calibration can work? I figured that in this particular case, only the ratio f/z can be computed, but not f individually if the camera position is not known (which I do not know). So I do need an image from the calibration pattern from an off angle to get some information about the focal length, right?

Is there something I did wrong with the calibration using the data that I have?