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2013-01-15 03:42:25 -0600 commented question Road hole detection

it´s gonna be quite heavy I guess ;) but try and error will not bring the solution, so I need to have a plan first. Of course I will do some testing first but first at all I need a great idea how to do

2013-01-14 05:14:09 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2013-01-14 05:11:37 -0600 asked a question Road hole detection

Hey Guys, for a project I need to detect road holes on bicycle lanes. I thought it could be done with OpenCV and a HD Camera. What do you think? Would that be possible? It would also be nice to calculate the width of the lane. Is that possible too? It´s gonna be 2000Km of lanes so a good algorithm for that would keep it handy :) Thanks for your ideas and informations

Greetz Henning

Edit: Another nice feature would be to detect the type of decking e.g. asphalt, cement or else