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2017-06-27 22:51:31 -0600 commented question converting triangulation output to world coordinate system

I undistorted the points before triangulation and it solved the problem. thanks!

2017-06-22 08:06:26 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2017-06-21 12:19:43 -0600 asked a question Calculate corners locations from known dimensions and 1st corner's location


I have a board with known dimensions (50cm along x-axis and 30 cm along y-axis). Now i have an Aruco marker taped to the top left corner of the board. I can detect the marker and get its location in the image through aruco::detectMarkers, location in the world coordinates through triangulatePoints and orientation through estimatePoseSingleMarker perfectly.

Now I have the location of the 1st corner and I want to calculate the locations of the other 3 corners of the board w.r.t my world origin. the problem is that the board can be in any orientation so i cannot add 50cm to the x of the 1st corner and 30 to the y. The known dimensions are w.r.t my world coordinate system.

My question is, How can i scale these dimensions depending on the board's orientation and then calculate the 2D/3D locations of the other corners?

2017-06-11 09:21:42 -0600 commented question converting triangulation output to world coordinate system

Using the stereoCalibrate returns the R and T between the 1st and 2nd cameras while estimaPose retuns the R and T from the marker to each camera. So do i multiply the output of estimatePose from the 1st camera by the output of the stereoCalibrate and compare it to the output of the estimatePose from the 2nd camera?

Also i didnt do rectification / undistortion for the points. Could this be related?

2017-06-10 23:43:30 -0600 commented question converting triangulation output to world coordinate system

I read somewhere that triangulate points gives points in the coordinate system of the left camera. Do i need to multiply it by the transformation from camera coordinates to the world coordinates which is the inverse of what i get from the 'estimatePoseSingleMarker'? but this doesn't make sense since the output values are just a few centimeters while the marker is over a meter away from the camera.

2017-06-10 23:36:25 -0600 commented question converting triangulation output to world coordinate system

I used the USE_INTRINSIC_GUESS after estimating the K matrices using 'initCameraMatrix2D' . After my triangulation test and correspondence equation test, shouldn't this mean that my calibration and triangulation as well as projection matrices are correct?

2017-06-10 10:58:58 -0600 asked a question converting triangulation output to world coordinate system

I have a 2 camera stereo setup where i calibrated each camera using opencv's initCameraMatrix2D then stereocalibrate to get the camera matrices K1, K2 and fundamental matrix F.
I tested it using a checker board and the correspondence equation where X't.F.X = 0 and i was able to get 0.00# so i believe this means the intrinsic calibration is correct?

Next i fixed an ArUco marker on the desired world origin and used the estimatePoseSingleMarker to get the RVec and TVec for both cameras and used them to get the projection Matrices P1 and P2 where P = k[R|T] and R is Rodrigues(RVec,R) and T is Tvec directly. This should make my marker center be my world origin?

Now i want to do triangulation so i used the triangulatePoints methond.

I detected the 4 marker corners from both cameras and triangulated them. My ArUco makrer size is 9 cm so each corner coordinate should be located at (+-0.045 , +- 0.045, 0) since the marker center is supposed to be my world origin but as a result of triangulation, i get:
(-0.0482, 0.0678, 0.0028)
( 0.0420, 0.0659, 0.0061)
( 0.0414,-0.0167, 0.0059)
(-0.0476,-0.0167, 0.0047)
This is of course after converting points from homogeneous coordinates using convertPointsFromHomogeneous. The Y values seems way off by a few cm.

I created 5 points with location at (0,0,0,1) and the (+-0.045 , +- 0.045, 0, 1) and projected them by multiplying by projection matrices and i draw the projected pixel coordinates but they are shifted in the image a bit from the expected location

image description and image description

To test the triangulation:

  • I detected the 4 marker corners from both cameras and triangulated them then reprojected the traingulated points back to the image plane using projectedPoints = P * traingulatedPoints and as a result i get back almost exactly the same original marker pixel coordinates that i detected before triangulation and reprojection. This should mean that my calibration, Projection Matrices and triangulation are correct. (or not?)

image description and image description (red is the detected corners and blue is the projection of the triangulated corners).

So i dont get what is wrong. Maybe the trinagulation result is correct but in a different coordinate system not using the marker origin as my center? if so, how can i get the triangulated points results relative to my marker's origin? does it have to do with the need to undistort the points? Is using the output Rvec and Tvec from the aruco marker good way to get a correct extrinsic matrix?