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2015-04-30 03:51:58 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2015-04-29 01:11:00 -0600 commented question How to check if FaceRecognizer model is trained

And look at this

Here isTrained is presented, but unfortunately it is not related to models of FaceRecognizers

2015-04-29 01:08:25 -0600 commented question How to check if FaceRecognizer model is trained

more a programming logic problem

I don't think so. Trained is internal state of FaceRecognizer's model, but not the state of my app.

2015-04-24 03:42:13 -0600 asked a question How to check if FaceRecognizer model is trained

When I call LBPHFaceRecognizer::predict method I get the following error: OpenCV Error: Bad argument (This LBPH model is not computed yet. Did you call the train method?)

Is it possible to check if model of LBPHFaceRecognizer is trained or not?

2015-04-16 23:29:05 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2015-04-16 22:59:28 -0600 commented answer Missing createFisherFaceRecognizer method on android.

@berak, do you know if there any fork of opencv repo with implemented JNI wrappers for all FaceRecognizers?