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2015-04-08 20:38:40 -0600 commented question error

Thanks for your help. I have solved this problem through change the "additional dependencies" in the property of the project. Thanks again.

2015-04-06 02:01:25 -0600 commented answer Any way to convert cv::Mat* to cv:CvMat in OpenCV 3.0.0?

Thank you so much. But now, i have one another question. Could you help me?

2015-04-06 02:01:24 -0600 asked a question error

Hi, I am tring to use HOGDescriptor of OpenCv3.0 under VS2012 to compute the hog features.And my codes is as flows:

cv::Mat img=cv::imread("D:\pictures\1.bmp";

   cout<<"load pictures error"<<endl;

if(img.cols!=hog.winSize.width||img.rows!=hog.winSize.height) {
    count<<"the size of pictures is wrong"<<endl;



vector featureVec;


//fails,"Access error occurred while writing position 0 x00477218”

I examine the codes many times, and don't why.

Please help me. Thank you.

2015-04-06 01:47:27 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2015-04-05 11:50:09 -0600 asked a question Any way to convert cv::Mat* to cv:CvMat in OpenCV 3.0.0?

Hi,I'm having problems porting some Mat code to OpenCV 3.X (git master), because can't find any replacement for this kind of conversions:

CvMat  m2 = imageMat;  // Fails(imageMat is the type of Mat)

Have all those constructors been removed from the new OpenCV 3.X for some reason? Are there any alternatives?
