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2016-09-12 07:40:36 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2014-03-01 14:40:11 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2013-01-22 19:12:48 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2013-01-13 03:22:54 -0600 asked a question In search of background images matching with trainingfaces_24-24.vec

Hello,everyone. I am a freshman in face detection, studying on Haartraining now. I just found a file called "trainingfaces_24-24.vec" which contains enough positive samples.Typical and abundant background images are more important.But I have not obtained those negative samples. So if everyone has the background images with at least 24*24 size, please sent a copy to me .My email address is [email protected]. I am so sorry for any trouble arising from me and looking forward to your agreeable answer. Any help will be greatly appreciated!!

2013-01-13 03:05:45 -0600 commented answer How to detect(rotation scale invariant) a insect from a picture?

Thanks for your suggestion. My main task is to find the objects in a picture, just like face detection, not recognition. I am a rookie in this field. I am getting up to speed and trying to read as much as I can. According to some literature, the methods you mentioned are usually used for edge detection or recognition. I do not confirm these approaches can be used to detect objects. Moreover, because just started getting in touch with object detection, I have never used these arithmetic operators before. Could you tell me how to realize my idea in detail?

2013-01-10 23:55:20 -0600 commented question Face Databases used for trainingfaces_24-24.vec

Hi, Barbambya. I have a same question. As is known, this file "trainingfaces_24-24.vec" is about 18MB. However, my vec-file created with MIT faces database of 2706 faces is just about 2MB. So how many positive samples can be made into a 18MB vec-file? By the way, do you have enough background samples with 24*24 size? I urgently need a mount of negative samples to finish my master's thesis. Could you sent the background samples to my email? ([email protected]) Thanks a lot.

2013-01-10 23:37:43 -0600 commented question How to detect(rotation scale invariant) a insect from a picture?

Thanks for your attention,Adi. Some examples are added. My main task is to find the objects in a picture. I have used features of Haar, HOG and LBP to train samples. During the training period, the detection rate is at least 0.98 and the falsealarm rate has decreased to 0. But the result is not good. There are too many false-counted regions. So I feel these features may be unsuitable for this work. Do you have any advice to solve the problem? Please give me some suggestion. Thank you!

2013-01-10 23:25:45 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2013-01-09 05:06:19 -0600 asked a question How to detect(rotation scale invariant) a insect from a picture?

Help! I am trying to detect certain insect from a picture or a video.As is well known,Haar,LBP and HOG are tested well for faces or pedestrian detection.But the insect is often rotated in reality while faces and pedestrian are not.So I urgently need a suitable method,such as certain feature or algorithm, to finish my work.If you have dealt with this similar problem, please give me some inspiration.I will appreciate you so much.

Here are some examples: image description image description