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2015-03-31 01:29:27 -0600 received badge  Self-Learner (source)
2015-03-30 08:06:33 -0600 answered a question cascade classifier cannot open file

Problem solved, thanks to suggestions from @berak and @StevenPuttemans. Removing the 'training/' folder from the address and using either single forward slash or double backslash, I was able to successfully create the .vec file

2015-03-30 08:03:31 -0600 commented question cascade classifier cannot open file

parse errorDone was caused by a spurious entry in the positives.txt file. I removed it and the matching image file and the process worked a treat!

2015-03-30 06:13:21 -0600 commented question cascade classifier cannot open file

Thanks guys, that solved that particular issue, but I get parseError instead now. All part of the fun!

2015-03-30 06:12:54 -0600 answered a question cascade classifier cannot open file

Thanks guys, that solved that particular issue, but I get parseError instead now. All part of the fun!

2015-03-26 11:42:29 -0600 asked a question cascade classifier cannot open file

I have followed the generally-accepted methods in the tutorial, and created a set of positive and negative images to train the classifier against. The trouble is, that each time I run the command line script to create a .vec file, I get an error stating that creatsamples cannot read the text file containing the positive images data. I am at a complete loss as to what I'm doing wrong. Any ideas? I have tried with/without specifying directory address, I have tried fully-qualified addresses, and I have tried with/without specifying bg.txt address. I'm stuck. Nothing seems to work

command line error text