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2015-03-26 13:00:19 -0600 commented answer Error while building package for ros

I am now getting the error

no member named 'createStereoBM' in namespace 'cv::cuda'

If it makes a difference I am using the homebrewed version of opencv3

2015-03-25 17:52:56 -0600 commented question Error while building package for ros

I made a post on the ROS forum, but since the root of the problem seems to be due to the opencv library I assumed that this would be a better place to post.

2015-03-25 08:55:19 -0600 asked a question Error while building package for ros

I am using opencv 3

[ 40%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/stereo_image_proc.dir/src/libstereo_image_proc/processor.cpp.o
In file included from 

 /Users/Matt/ros_catkin_ws/src/image_pipeline/stereo_image_proc/include/stereo_image_proc/processor.h:67:22: error: 
    use of undeclared identifier 'createStereoBM'
    block_matcher_ = createStereoBM();