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2015-03-26 10:07:53 -0600 commented question open cv functions in matlab

thank you I find it. and I re written the code like this please verify this is this correct or not

%BOW clc; clear all;

    a = imread('image');

    I = rgb2gray(a);

    trainer = cv.BOWKMeansTrainer(10);

        % getting descriptors

    detector = cv.FeatureDetector('SURF');

    keypoints = detector.detect(I);

    extractor = cv.DescriptorExtractor('SURF');

    descriptors = extractor.compute(I, keypoints);

    %making dictionary

    dictionary = trainer.cluster(descriptors);

    extractor = cv.BOWImgDescriptorExtractor('SURF','BruteForce');


    descs = extractor.compute(I,keypoints);

Am I getting the correct Bag of Words which I can input the neural network?

2015-03-26 06:21:03 -0600 asked a question open cv functions in matlab

i have installed open cv libraries in matlab by this instructions now i want to get BOW output in a single vector. in order to train the neural network i have found this in matlab in order to get the BOW **

 a = imread('C:\Users\commongh\Pictures\Images for Project\rocks.png');
        I = rgb2gray(a);
        trainer = cv.BOWKMeansTrainer();
        dictionary = trainer.cluster(train_descs);
        extractor = cv.BOWImgDescriptorExtractor('SURF','BruteForce');
        keypoints = cv.SURF(I);
        descs = extractor.compute(I,keypoints);**

can you please tell me what inputs we should input to cv.BOWKMeansTrainer?

2015-03-19 01:37:07 -0600 asked a question bag of visual words for SURF

I am doing object recognition/ classification project and I am totally new to this. I want to train neural network with SURF feature for that I need to convert multidimensional data obtained by SURF to a single vector. how I can do this ? I heard One approach is bag of visual words. is there any documentation regarding BOVW in open cv? That I can call in Matlb coz I have to implement this in Matlab. In my matlab BOVW function is not there. waiting for your help.