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2013-01-12 06:24:15 -0600 asked a question How to calculate the product of two mat in openvc for Android?

In C++, I can calculate the product of two mat by the operator *; by in the opencv for Android, how can I get the product of two mat?

2013-01-03 02:45:56 -0600 asked a question How to use the opencv to implement the projective transformation in matlab?
 I want to implement an algorithm on Android platform. Now I have the matlab code of the algorithm. There is a function in the matlab code that I don't know how to implement in the opencv.

The matlab code: tfm=maketform('projective', scale_matrix'); image=imtransform(image, tfm, 'bicubic'); % The scale_matrix is a 3x3 matrix.

 How can I get the same function in opencv?