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2015-03-04 22:45:10 -0600 asked a question OpenCV compilation error in Fedora 21

Hi there,

I've got OpenCV source code from github and I get the following error when trying to compile it:

/lib64/ undefined reference to `clReleaseMemObject@OPENCL_1.0'
/lib64/ undefined reference to `clReleaseCommandQueue@OPENCL_1.0'
/lib64/ undefined reference to `clCreateBuffer@OPENCL_1.0'
/lib64/ undefined reference to `clBuildProgram@OPENCL_1.0'
/lib64/ undefined reference to `clSetKernelArg@OPENCL_1.0'
/lib64/ undefined reference to `clGetDeviceIDs@OPENCL_1.0'
/lib64/ undefined reference to `clEnqueueUnmapMemObject@OPENCL_1.0'
/lib64/ undefined reference to `clGetPlatformInfo@OPENCL_1.0'
/lib64/ undefined reference to `clCreateProgramWithSource@OPENCL_1.0'
/lib64/ undefined reference to `clGetDeviceInfo@OPENCL_1.0'
/lib64/ undefined reference to `clReleaseContext@OPENCL_1.0'
/lib64/ undefined reference to `clCreateContextFromType@OPENCL_1.0'
/lib64/ undefined reference to `clCreateCommandQueue@OPENCL_1.0'
/lib64/ undefined reference to `clEnqueueMapBuffer@OPENCL_1.0'
/lib64/ undefined reference to `clGetPlatformIDs@OPENCL_1.0'

My machine is a laptop with Intel i7 and a GT630M graphics card and I'm using Bumblebee.
