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2013-02-01 10:46:45 -0600 received badge  Critic (source)
2013-01-15 07:57:40 -0600 asked a question OpenCV match Template

I am trying to match a logo (template) I have with some images. My images are all colored in nature and the way I am doing it is using the cvMatchTemplate() from openCV and running the template (logo) over my source image. I scale the template to multiple levels to find the best match. Please note that I am just finding the digitally imprinted logos on the image and not the logos present in the scene. Eg: Detecting sky sports from this image (The image is purely for representation and clarity of my task and is not images I am working with

My images are not of fixed resolution so I scale it up to a standard 800x600. Now when my source image resolution is very bad say 300x300, the results are very ordinary. I am using the method=CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED in the template parameter and the scores even for accurate matches is quite low (as low as 0.4 on a scale of 0 to 1.0) making it difficult for me to confidently say if the logo is present or not. I have two questions on this:

1 - In opencv template matching, how does it handle colored images. I tried to comprehend from the document and my inference was it computes the score for each channel separately and the best is taken. If that is the case wont I would be better off taking all the three channels into account for better results

2 - Any alternative approach !! :)

Let me know if any thing is not clear !


2013-01-03 02:27:09 -0600 commented answer Capture online video streams for image processing

@Alexander Smorkalov: I am struggling to start here. Will just passing the link in the videocapture class work ?

2012-12-30 22:09:37 -0600 commented answer Capture online video streams for image processing

Thanks I will try and get back to the forum !!

2012-12-30 22:09:06 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2012-12-29 15:03:32 -0600 commented question Capture online video streams for image processing

@Alexander Smorkalov: Can you please elaborate a little ? ffmpeg is a different library altogether isnt it?

2012-12-29 03:21:09 -0600 commented question Capture online video streams for image processing

I refer to any online streaming portal .. say Youtube for example

2012-12-29 00:12:21 -0600 asked a question Capture online video streams for image processing


I am trying to capture online streamed content process them image by image. I have the API's written for images in openCV in python 2.7 I am just trying to extend this and see explore different possibilities (and ofcourse choose the best method) for capturing and processing these online video streams. Can this be done in openCV? If not(or simpler) any other alternative (python alternative highly preferred)?

