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2015-03-04 06:59:46 -0600 commented question How to use DenseFeatureDetector ?

Thanks for your answer, but I think that my question was formulated bad... Actually, the problem is not to apply DenseFeatureDetector, but to do matching using it. In the case of use of DenseFeatureDetector in 2 images, it creates a sort of grid on both, but it can't correctly find matches (I used SIFT descriptors). I think that some preliminary image treatment sould be done, like rectification or centering... So, I'm looking for existing examle where this technique has already been implemented.

2015-03-04 04:37:33 -0600 asked a question How to use DenseFeatureDetector ?


I'm trying to obtain dense 3D reconstruction. Using SIFT or SURF detector/descriptor one can obtain only sparse reconstruction which can then be upgrated using dense matching (using DenseFeatureDetector). Unfortunately, I could not find any examples of its implementation. Could someone give me an example ? Should I rectify images before ?

Thank you

2015-01-22 13:14:00 -0600 asked a question Verification of projective reconstruction


I'm trying to verify if the projective reconstruction that I've estimated is correct. I have an image dataset with given values of camera matrices Pm(i) (for metric reconstruction). Then, I found camera matrices P(i) using an algorithm of projective factorization.

From Hartley and Zisserman (p.460) we know that : Pm(i) = P(i)*H

So, I can find H corresponding using the pseudoinverse of P(1) : H = pinv(P(1))*Pm(1)

Than, by multilpying all others P(i) by H, I should obtain all others Pm(i). Is this approach correct? Thanks in advance!