2015-01-13 13:51:17 -0600 | commented question | Can't run opencv_traincascade again! Btw I deleted my comments (before i saw yours...) because my questions are not questions anymore , i took the massage as en error when it was only a warning : ) Hope I won't have any other errors , but if it happens, I'm really happy too see that I ll find help on this website! PS : DAB is Discret AdaBoost but RAD does not exist it's RAB Real AdaBoost |
2015-01-13 13:44:01 -0600 | commented question | Can't run opencv_traincascade again! Well I finally understood what you mean by " I added that warning" , I found the changelog on opencvdev zone , thanks for your help Steven ! |
2015-01-12 16:47:05 -0600 | commented question | Can't run opencv_traincascade again! I tried your suggestion but sadly it didn't work : ( But no matter I ll go too bed and wait tomorow (as I'm in europe too) to see if Steven can help me on this! Thank's again for your help : ) |
2015-01-12 16:20:38 -0600 | commented question | Can't run opencv_traincascade again! Thank you for your answer berak ,allways here to save me : p But i gave "-data trained" to opencv_traincascade and no such folder was created , that's why I don't understand where taincascade find its parameters! |
2015-01-12 16:05:11 -0600 | received badge | ● Supporter (source) |
2015-01-12 16:02:16 -0600 | asked a question | Can't run opencv_traincascade again! Well, I run traincascade by "accident " , I mean that some parameters weren't good. So i stoped it by killing the proces and now it refuse to start again with new parameters, I've got this message when i try to do so : "Training parameters are loaded from the parameter file in data folder! Please empty the data folder if you want to use your own set of parameters." And the thing is , I don't find the data folder to empty it, maybe hidden some where ? |
2015-01-12 14:02:25 -0600 | commented answer | Can't find opencv_createsamples after i built opencv 3.00 Well you were right berak thank you! |
2015-01-11 11:49:18 -0600 | commented question | Can't find opencv_createsamples after i built opencv 3.00 I downloaded it on december, this is the reason for sure! Thank you , i ll try again ! |
2015-01-11 11:10:42 -0600 | asked a question | Can't find opencv_createsamples after i built opencv 3.00 All is in the title, I built opencv 3.00 as expain on the opencv tutorial but i can't find opencv_createsamples . Is this linked to the version or opencv or maybe somthing else? |