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2015-01-25 20:40:43 -0600 asked a question como llenar un Mat

Estoy utilizando opencv y lo que quiero hacer es poner un numero en una posición determinada de un Mat, por ejemplo, en un objeto Mat de 1 fila y 4 columnas, quisiera poner el numero 3 en la posición 1,2,

Mat m=new Mat(1,4,opencv_core.CV_32SC1);

pero no se como hacer, intente con m.put(1,2,3) pero no funciona, lo único que acepta como argumento es un Mat, MatExpr, Pointer o un Scalar

2015-01-22 10:08:46 -0600 asked a question How can instantiate FaceRecognizer in opencv-2.4.9?

I'm working with java in netbeans and library opencv-2. What I want to do is to instantiate the class FaceRecognizer algorithm LBPH but not how. I tried doing this. FaceRecognizer fac = new FaceRecognizer();     and nothing happens, it gives me error I tried this way. FaceRecognizer createLBPHFaceRecognizer fac = (); and does not work, gives me error. I want to use the method train and predict method for recognizing faces, but not how to start. Excuse my English.

2015-01-03 10:32:08 -0600 commented question How can instantiate facerecognizer in netbeans ?

So what library should I use? sorry for my English , but I speak Spanish

2015-01-03 09:54:43 -0600 asked a question How can instantiate facerecognizer in netbeans ?

I am using opencv -249 and everything works fine, but when I want to use facerecognizer can not create an instance of this , and therefore , when I want to use the training does not leave an exception " NullPointerException ". When I do the following :

ArrayList < Mat > images = new ArrayList < Mat > ();
Mat id = new Mat ();
FaceRecognizer face ;

all is well , but if I want to use the " train" : face.train (images , id) I get the error: "Exception in thread" AWT - EventQueue -0 " java.lang.NullPointerException " I understand is that it has not created an object of facerecognizer , but when I do this :

FaceRecognizer facerec = createLBPHFaceRecognizer ( 1,8,8,8,100 ) ;

the program did not recognize the part : " createLBPHFaceRecognizer ( 1,8,8,8,100 ) " and do not know how to create an object of FaceRecognizer