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2014-12-04 08:50:51 -0600 asked a question log-gabor frequency filtering with OpenCV


I just computed the fft of an image and now I would like to convolute the Fourier transform with a log-gabor frequency filter with different phases, but I have strictly no idea how to do it in OpenCV.

I would like to implement my own log-gabor frequency "kernel" to convolue it with the Fourier transform but I didn't find anything related to it on the internet.

Have you ever done something like that or do you know a tutorial talking about it ? Maybe I have to use an intermediate library to do it ...


2014-12-04 08:44:17 -0600 asked a question log-gobor filtering in frequency domain


I applied the fft transform of an image and i would like to convolute a 2d log-gabor frequency filter on it with different orientations (phases) I have absolutely no idea how to do it with OpenCV... I would like to implement my own log-gabor function in the frequency domain in OpenCV but I have no idea how to do it ...

Does one of you have idea ? Or know a tutorial talking about something similar ? Maybe I should you an intermediate library to do this.

Thank you !
