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2014-12-04 04:11:20 -0600 asked a question Getting error while giving imshow, imwrite commands.

Hi, I am new to programming. I am getting this error. Please help! (I am using enthought canopy). I installed opencv with great difficulty in getting it to work. Now I can import cv2 but further commands seems to be not working. Guess it has something to do with the path, any solution?

1 import cv2 2 img=cv2.imread('lena.jpg') ----> 3 cv2.imwrite('djfkjdf',img) 4 cv2.imshow(img)

error: ........\opencv\modules\highgui\src\loadsave.cpp:275: error: (-2) could not find a writer for the specified extension in function cv::imwrite_

2014-12-02 22:26:07 -0600 commented question trouble with opencv installation on windows7 64bit

I tried canopy 32bit as well. Also tried 2.4.9 version of opencv, still the same error.Am I supposed to add opencv\build\python\2.7\x64\cv2.pyd into the canopy folder at location C:\users\adm\appdata...? If so, how to go about it? Also tried appending the system variable path. This is what I did- Computer-advanced settings-environment variables-system variables\path-edit- click on variable value-end- add ;C:\opencv Tried all of the above, still getting the error 'no module named cv2'. Please guide.

2014-12-02 09:15:24 -0600 asked a question trouble with opencv installation on windows7 64bit

Hi I have a windows 7 64 bit OS. I am trying to learn how to use opencv but I am unable to get it to work! I installed enthought canopy 64 bit and opencv 2.4.10 version. When I type import cv2 in canopy it gives an error - No module named cv2. The opencv folder is in C:\ and enthought canopy path is C:\users\adm\appdata... I am not given the option to change the path of canopy while installing. it takes the above path by default. What could it be that I am doing wrong? How can I get it to work? Please help!