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2015-01-22 15:10:13 -0600 commented question Unable to make OpenCV 3.0.0 beta with opencv_contrib

The same thing happens to me, CUDA6.0, 32-bit OS dirty work-around: disabling tests concerning SURF and ORB in /samples/gpu/performance/tests.cpp (Obcviously it is not a real solution! )

And somehow, even when perf_tests are switched off in cmake, gpu performance tests are executed...?

2015-01-22 14:53:12 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2014-10-31 06:46:47 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2014-10-30 14:38:42 -0600 asked a question Chamfer matching in v3?


I cannot find Chamfer matching nowhere in OpenCV 3 (neither in opencv_contrib). In 2.4 it was in "contrib" module.

Was it dropped for some reason, renamed, or is it just me not able to find it?
