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2017-05-29 04:22:39 -0600 asked a question Distance between shapes

Hello~ Im still in the process of learning opencv. Here is my problem: image description

I want to determine the distance between the center of the red box and the left corner of the black box. The red box positions wont change only the black ones changes. My goal here is to find the positions of the black box, the left red box would obtain the X distance while the bottom red box would obtain the Y distance.

Can anyone give me tips and sample code to solve this problem?

2017-05-23 01:58:09 -0600 commented question OpenCV help on positions

Great idea, I'm gonna try it. Thanks~

2017-05-23 00:23:59 -0600 asked a question OpenCV help on positions

Hey guys Im new to opencv, I have this image:

image description

I have already detected green and blue colors using HSV, but Im stuck in determining the position of the shapes. The positions are already constant. This are the posible positions colored in black.

Can anyone give me tips or a sample code o

Is it possible to determine the positions of the shape? For example I will detect the blue shapes and determine the positions it is located, the output would be 23, 16, 11, 1.

Can anyone give me tips or sample code in order to solve this problem? Thanks~~~