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2017-05-24 07:53:30 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2017-05-22 06:17:04 -0600 commented question MatchTemplate problem for rotated image

Sorry, I do not understand your idea exactly :(

2017-05-21 17:48:13 -0600 commented question MatchTemplate problem for rotated image

Thank you. The code looks like very helpful, however perhaps my task may be solved via more simple way. I develop game bot for Space Rangers 2. The bot has to find followed 8 templates templates.jpg in screenshort. I.e. the object to search may be rotated by 45 degrees. I have following results: result.jpg Have you any idea to improve the recognition?

2017-05-21 17:45:02 -0600 answered a question MatchTemplate problem for rotated image

Thank you. The code looks like very helpful, however perhaps my task may be solved via more simple way. I develop game bot for Space Rangers 2. The bot has to find followed 8 templates templates.jpg in screenshort. I.e. the object to search may be rotated by 45 degree. I have following results: result.jpg Have you any idea to improve the recognition?

2017-05-20 04:54:33 -0600 commented question MatchTemplate problem for rotated image

Ok. Thank you. Are there functions to realize this approach in openCV?

2017-05-19 17:21:41 -0600 asked a question MatchTemplate problem for rotated image


I need to find template image in source image. The template may be rotated by any angle. It seems that simple MatchTemplate example does not work in this case. For example, let template be letter "A". I copy "A" to source image and rotate the "A"...