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2017-05-19 16:29:34 -0600 commented answer Re-distorting a set of points after camera calibration

That is weird... I am not able to recover and do not receive any email

2017-05-19 15:59:32 -0600 answered a question Re-distorting a set of points after camera calibration

Hi all, Bart here

Unfortunately, my openCV-password was not stored correctly in my password manager. The open CV account recovery email system does not seem to work. I have emailed admins, but have received no reply. Thus I have created a new account.

The suggestion suggested above worked perfectly. Here is my version of the code in Python

ptsOut = np.array(corners, dtype='float32')
ptsTemp = np.array([], dtype='float32')
rtemp = ttemp = np.array([0,0,0], dtype='float32')
ptsOut = cv2.undistortPoints(ptsOut, newcameramtx, None)
ptsTemp = cv2.convertPointsToHomogeneous( ptsOut );
output = cv2.projectPoints( ptsTemp, rtemp, ttemp, mtx, dist, ptsOut );

I have no idea why the initial undistortion does not work that well. Any ideas?

As for the other questions asked: Yes it is a flat grid. The circles were made by using cardboard and a laser cutter, heating it up to create thermal contrast.