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2014-10-15 05:46:13 -0600 commented answer Multiple SVM for Face Recognition

SURF features..

2014-10-15 04:58:58 -0600 commented answer Multiple SVM for Face Recognition

If we move away from camera it shows some false prediction. But if we close to camera it give correct predictions. So it Is the problem of my training sets or it is not possible to grab some sort of distance using svm?

2014-10-15 03:57:40 -0600 commented answer Multiple SVM for Face Recognition

ok..but what labels are given for negative images? because +ve images are labeled as 1,2,3...

2014-10-14 23:23:01 -0600 commented answer Multiple SVM for Face Recognition

Is it possible to grab some sort of distance to the decision plane using opencv-svm?

2014-10-14 22:33:55 -0600 commented answer Multiple SVM for Face Recognition

In my system, I want to show known faces are "known" otherwise it is "Unknown". I don't know whether it is possible by using one multi-class svm. That's why am using multiple svm.

2014-10-14 06:22:12 -0600 asked a question Multiple SVM for Face Recognition

Now I am using multiple SVM with SURF features for face recognition. For example I have 3 types of images and each type I called as class1,calss2 and class3. So I build SVM1 as combination of class1 and class2 where class1 images are labeled as +1 and class2 images labeled as -1 like that SVM2 is the combination of class2 and class3 where class2 images are labeled as +1 and class3 images labeled as -1 and SVM3 is the combination of class3 and class1 where class3 images are labeled as +1 and class1 images labeled as -1. So at the time of prediction if the given image is in any of the class then that particular SVM return +1 and I concluded that image s "known", if all SVM return -1 then it is "Unknown". But now my problem is, if the given image is not in the training set then also SVM return +1 and identified as known one.Actually it get drops my system accuracy level. Is there any problem in my approach? why I got false results? Please help me.

2014-10-12 22:50:44 -0600 commented answer How to display an image

Thank you..It works fine.

2014-10-12 22:50:02 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2014-10-12 22:50:01 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2014-10-10 06:03:57 -0600 commented question Displaying images in opencv

I post my code..This is that link

2014-10-10 06:02:08 -0600 asked a question How to display an image

I want to display my image on right side of the screen within the rectangle. So for that I wrote the following code.

Rect dstRC(10,20,100,100);//The region I want to display image
Mat dstROI = frame(dstRC);
img1.copyTo(dstROI);//My image is img1.Copy to desired location
rectangle(frame1, dstRC, CV_RGB(255,0,0), 3, CV_AA);

But it shows only an empty rectangle.Why?

2014-10-10 00:54:47 -0600 commented question Displaying images in opencv

I got some idea from the link that you provide. I tried lot but it doesn't give the desired output.

2014-10-09 06:57:30 -0600 asked a question Displaying images in opencv

I want to display each detected image on the right side of the display screen.For example like this. image description.

How to do it in opencv? We can't use another imshow.Then how make it possible?

2014-10-08 22:47:30 -0600 commented question SVM training error

Thank you..I solved my error. As you said, my problem is in trainData Mat and trainLabels Mat.

2014-10-08 22:18:07 -0600 commented question SVM training error

I gave +1 for positive images and -1 for negative images. Few examples are shown below. /home/arya/Images/OutputImage/im1.pgm;1 /home/arya/Images/OutputImage/im2.pgm;1 /home/arya/Images/OutputImage/im3.pgm;1 /home/arya/Images/OutputImage/im4.pgm;1 /home/arya/Images/OutputImage/im5.pgm;1 /home/arya/Images/OutputImage/im46.pgm;-1 /home/arya/Images/OutputImage/im47.pgm;-1 /home/arya/Images/OutputImage/im48.pgm;-1 /home/arya/Images/OutputImage/im49.pgm;-1 /home/arya/Images/OutputImage/im50.pgm;-1 /home/arya/Images/OutputImage/im51.pgm;-1 /home/arya/Images/OutputImage/im52.pgm;-1

2014-10-08 05:28:32 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2014-10-08 04:44:32 -0600 asked a question SVM training error

Now I train SVM with SURF feature for face recognition. During training I got an error like this:

OpenCV Error: Sizes of input arguments do not match (Response array must contain as many elements as the total number of samples) in cvPreprocessCategoricalResponses, file /home/arya/stuff/opencv/opencv-2.4.7/modules/ml/src/inner_functions.cpp, line 671 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): /home/arya/stuff/opencv/opencv-2.4.7/modules/ml/src/inner_functions.cpp:671: error: (-209) Response array must contain as many elements as the total number of samples in function cvPreprocessCategoricalResponses

I don't understand what this error exactly mean by.Could anyone explain me why I got error like this?