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2017-05-31 02:23:40 -0600 asked a question changing pixel values for a group of pixels

Hello! I performed SVM classification (2 classes) based on a) raw pixels and b) histograms and now would like to change pixels values of one class into black and other onto white and see the results ( I am not sure if simple will work out). As I am new to python and openCV I appreciate any help. Thanks

2017-05-11 02:32:13 -0600 asked a question problems with installing extra modules for opencv


I am new to programming in Opencv/Python so I ask for understanding. I want to use cv2.bgsegm.createBackgroundSubtractorMOG() functions but to do so, I have to install extra modules.

I work on Windows and use: - Anaconda2-4.3.1-Windows-x86_64 - opencv-3.2.0-vc14 - python-2.7.13 - cmake-

and I use Spyder.

Is there any way to install extra modules with the programs I have now? If so, could someone explain to me how to do it?

If I need any extra programs I would appreciate suggestion what kind of I should install. I tried with cmake and visual studio but receive some errors during configuration step.

Thanks in advance