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2012-11-10 13:37:21 -0600 asked a question OpenCV2.4.3 CMake Error (Should I disable modules?)

Hello All,

I'm trying to install OpenCV-2.4.3 a in Linux machine and I receive the following error during cmake build process: "[ 60%] Built target pch_Generate_opencv_contrib Scanning dependencies of target opencv_contrib [ 60%] Building CXX object modules/contrib/CMakeFiles/opencv_contrib.dir/src/chowliutree.cpp.o

c++: Internal error: Bus error (program cc1plus) Please submit a full bug report. See <file: usr="" share="" doc="" gcc-4.4="" readme.bugs=""> for instructions. make[2]: [modules/contrib/CMakeFiles/opencv_contrib.dir/src/chowliutree.cpp.o] Error 1 make[1]: [modules/contrib/CMakeFiles/opencv_contrib.dir/all] Error 2 make: * [all] Error 2 "

I need to profile the FAST corner detection algorithm to try and see if there are opportunities to hardware accelerate FAST. Hence, I wouldn't mind disabling other modules since I don't need them, but I'm not sure how I can do that without disturbing any dependencies between modules or their includes. FAST C++ implementation is available in /features2d/ and I think that went through fine.

A couple of questions: (1) Why do I receive this error? Is there a problem with the gcc version I'm using? (2) Could someone provide me a the syntax for the command line argument that I can use to disable the build process of certain modules. Currently I use "cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/<somepath>/Project -D BUILD_NEW_PYTHON_SUPPORT=ON .. "

I'm new to OpenCV and I might have used certain terms incorrectly, kindly overlook that.

Thank You, Adithya.