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2017-01-24 09:39:13 -0600 received badge  Taxonomist
2014-09-12 00:13:34 -0600 asked a question Say that the at the very end you all

Say that the at the very end you all probably know what the worst the biggest mistake in four straight birdies but if you lets the adjusted Testcore Pro to this Eve if you don’t guts if you don't cut your users and your Equity Management is getting endanger zone you lose your account don't ever lose more than 10 percent in a single trait especially the trade is not rated as abeam to victory that means that you're holding your position for let's see for a day and you lose 10 percent for just a single trait stop trading for that they or that week next in years 318 the leak repairs don't trade the pair's you're not custom with .

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