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2020-09-06 08:33:31 -0600 received badge  Good Answer (source)
2019-09-20 06:05:22 -0600 commented question VideoCapture from CSI camera is way off

Try VideoCapture cap("v4l2src device="/dev/video0" ! 'video/x-raw,format=UYVY, width=1920,height=1080' ! appsink", CAP_G

2019-08-08 14:43:03 -0600 answered a question VideoWriter with gstreamer pipeline which writes frames in I420 format

Looks like currently only BGR, Gray and JPEG formats are supported:

2019-08-05 09:24:05 -0600 answered a question Ask cmake to use ffmpeg library in /usr/local/lib

Set PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable to the location of your custom FFmpeg .pc files. Don't forget to do clean build

2019-07-12 10:35:43 -0600 answered a question Building OpenCV as a static library gives thousands of undefined references[SOLVED]

You will need to add necessary pkg-config files and libraries manually. OpenCV can not generate correct .pc file in this

2019-05-27 11:19:49 -0600 commented question computeECC returning strange values

Could be a bug, could you please file an issue to the GitHub?

2019-05-27 07:46:20 -0600 commented question imwrite not working when Spawned by Crontab or Systemd??

What is workdir of your script? Does saved_images folder exist there?

2019-05-27 07:26:26 -0600 commented question computeECC returning strange values

No, I mean mathematically, should it really be 1 for matching images? I can see, that algorithm searches for ECC maximum

2019-05-27 06:23:12 -0600 commented question computeECC returning strange values

Why do you expect 1.00?

2019-05-27 06:13:48 -0600 commented question In gapi, is there a way to create submatrix header?

G-API does not have interfaces do it directly, because it has different conception than traditional approach. Though you

2019-05-27 04:47:13 -0600 commented question performance of videoCapture with gst pipeline

Try appsink sync=false

2019-05-27 04:25:36 -0600 commented question Paypal always gives an error

While the issue is being fixed you can use "Donate" button on old page (

2019-05-07 06:11:36 -0600 answered a question Building Infrastructure

It only needs Docker. Take a look at the file in the repository root it describes installation steps.

2019-04-26 04:55:43 -0600 commented question i have 6 errors when trying to install opencv on my macbook pro

Try to change your CPU optimization level and disable dispatching: -DCPU_BASELINE=SSE42 -DCPU_DISPATCH= cmake options.

2019-04-24 01:58:28 -0600 commented answer How to use SIMD feature of OpenCV as third-party library

If you wonn't declare any macro (e.g. CV_SSE2), default non-optimized implementation will be used:

2019-04-23 06:06:16 -0600 commented answer cv::setUseOptimized(), optimizations Looks like runtime switch does not work

2019-04-23 05:40:44 -0600 answered a question cv::setUseOptimized(), optimizations

Not all optimized functions have runtime switches. You can disable optimizations completely during build -DCV_DISABLE_OP

2019-04-23 05:15:26 -0600 answered a question How to use SIMD feature of OpenCV as third-party library

The easiest way is to create OpenCV module. But you can also try to include intrin.hpp in your build (copy files if need

2019-04-17 16:18:20 -0600 edited question Writing multiple videos from webcam stream

Writing multiple videos from webcam stream Hey Everyone, so I've been working on my senior project and it's meant to wri

2019-04-17 16:18:15 -0600 edited question Writing multiple videos from webcam stream

Writing multiple videos from webcam stream Hey Everyone, so I've been working on my senior project and it's meant to wri

2019-04-17 16:17:40 -0600 edited question Writing multiple videos from webcam stream

Writing multiple videos from webcam stream Hey Everyone, so I've been working on my senior project and it's meant to wri

2019-04-17 14:14:03 -0600 commented question Infrared Image I took outside is completely white, how to fix?

Please post your code snippet. Try to check returned Mat type (m.channels(), m.depth()). Check returned values range wit

2019-04-17 05:29:57 -0600 edited question Looking for samples on how to create a stitched image from a video

Looking for samples on how to crate a stitched image from a video hi, I was looking for samples on how to crate a stitc

2019-04-12 18:08:38 -0600 commented answer How to add ffmpeg support to Opencv in Conda enviroment on Linux?

There are several conda packages for opencv: The recipie is for this one: https://

2019-04-12 07:43:25 -0600 answered a question How to add ffmpeg support to Opencv in Conda enviroment on Linux?

Looks like opencv in conda has ffmpeg support but not on Windows:

2019-04-11 04:26:24 -0600 commented answer How to disable autofocus of a webcam on Windows 10?

I've been able to get 4096x2160 and 3840x2160 at 30 FPS. Camera is connected via USB3. Though there are two black bars

2019-04-10 07:57:31 -0600 commented question VideoCapture from CSI camera is way off

Do other camera application work? Try gstreamer pipelines via gst-launch-1.0 app: gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src ! xvimagesink.

2019-04-09 07:37:15 -0600 commented question why does cv::VideoCapture >> cv::Mat take so long time?

VideoCapture can use different backends underneath, most common on Linux are FFmpeg and GStreamer. In some cases GStream

2019-04-09 07:23:48 -0600 commented question Unable to save video file from camera

Try to debug: set environment variable OPENCV_VIDEOIO_DEBUG=1 Try to lock backend: VideoWriter(filename, CAP_FFMPEG, ..

2019-04-09 05:49:55 -0600 answered a question How to disable autofocus of a webcam on Windows 10?

Try to use VideoCapture(0, cv.CAP_MSMF) constructor. I've tried this sample with modified constructor and cap.set(cv.CAP

2019-04-09 05:29:45 -0600 answered a question writing file from Gstreamer pipleine in a VideoCapture on the Tx2

VideoCapture does not have this feature:

2019-02-14 07:44:13 -0600 received badge  Good Answer (source)
2019-02-01 07:34:41 -0600 commented question OpenCV vs. macOS openCL deprecated

OpenCV dnn module has Vulkan backend and there is MoltenVK project which implements Vulkan API via Metal.

2019-01-31 08:01:16 -0600 answered a question Trouble installing opencv 4.0.0 under linux

As the comment says: In-source builds are forbidden You should create build directory on the same level as source direc

2019-01-29 08:33:20 -0600 received badge  Nice Answer (source)
2019-01-29 06:23:48 -0600 edited answer How to incorporate white into color system?

Black and white are achromatic colors ( In HSV model they are represented with S=0 a

2019-01-29 06:23:08 -0600 answered a question How to incorporate white into color system?

Black and white are achromatic colors ( In HSV model they are represented with S=0 a

2019-01-25 05:06:41 -0600 commented question Unable to cross compiling OpenCV based application program(face detection) for RISCV architecture

Looks like your OpenCV build was wrong, maybe it was not cross-compiled. You should check cmake output and verify compil

2019-01-25 05:00:29 -0600 commented question OpenCV 4.0.1 compilation error when compiling with libjpeg 9c or ver(90) with 12 bit support

Looks like you need to write new conversion functions and use them instead: icvCvt_BGR2RGB_8u_C3R -> icvCvt_BGR2RGB_1

2019-01-25 04:57:51 -0600 commented question JPEG encode with Gstreamer in memory

Why not use imencode? VideoCapture and VideoWriter do not support this configuration, you should use GStreamer directly.

2018-12-05 01:43:02 -0600 commented question Traveling Santa Contest

If you mean DNN (deep learning) module - it supports only inference, so you'll still need to train your networks in othe

2018-12-04 05:01:39 -0600 commented answer Reason for size limit on imread

There is a comment: // TODO Add runtime configuration It is better to add support for reading these values from the env

2018-12-03 05:18:57 -0600 commented question Read mp4 file using gstreamer pipeline

uridecodebin uri=file:///home/root/big_buck_bunny.mp4 ! videoconvert ! appsink or filesrc location=big_buck_bunny.mp4 !

2018-12-03 05:11:18 -0600 commented answer Move * opencv module in opencv_contrib

Yes, you can test and review existing PRs, verify and fix (build & test) CUDA algorithms on different platforms, wit

2018-11-17 00:16:11 -0600 received badge  Nice Answer (source)
2018-11-16 15:01:02 -0600 answered a question Move * opencv module in opencv_contrib

The thing is core team can not support so many modules in main repository, so we decided to move less popular (or useful

2018-11-16 14:21:02 -0600 commented question Timeout on

Please try to use more recent version, like 3.4.3

2018-10-02 07:27:37 -0600 commented question How do I correct grammatical mistakes on

Unfortunately there is no mechanism of proposing fixes to the Wiki. I've applied your fix manually.

2018-09-25 06:43:19 -0600 commented question Why OpenCV does not support OpenCL 1.1 Embedded Profile?

Maybe because it has too many restrictions:

2018-09-14 05:22:17 -0600 answered a question OpenCv Manager App not on Playstore

Yes the app has been removed. As time shows, the idea of redistributing libraries for Android via separate app seems to