2017-09-08 10:00:11 -0600 | asked a question | NIR Cam and OpenCV NIR Cam and OpenCV Hello to all. I want to ask for advice to you. I am looking for a cam compatible with opencv I would |
2017-07-14 08:07:11 -0600 | asked a question | calculate matrix rotation translation with two cameras Hello to all. I would like your help. I have two cams and I would like to calculate the matrices H and R. I have calculated the intrinsic parameters of both cams. I do not know how to continue..Can i use openPNP? or whats? |
2017-07-03 09:05:30 -0600 | commented answer | Algorithm for detect similar photos You're right. You know how to help me? Can you give some advice on how to get a good result? |
2017-07-03 08:31:56 -0600 | commented answer | Algorithm for detect similar photos ok. My goal is to look a target with a cam. The target is this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s64vekyb5g3... I would like to calculate the x / y position of the hole. example: https://www.dropbox.com/s/d5vvt0d9gwd... As you can see the second photo has the target slightly moved. How can I get a good result? ps: It may happen that the images have different brightness, example: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ncl0wl07e1m... |
2017-07-03 07:27:01 -0600 | commented answer | Algorithm for detect similar photos Sorry for my bad English. What did you not understand? I try to explain this again |
2017-07-03 06:50:21 -0600 | commented answer | Algorithm for detect similar photos I explain: I do a series of photos to a target. If the photographs are the same, they have not fired. If I find a difference in the photographs then I suppose they fired. To find where they shot I searched for circumferences. When I have to find the next hole I do not use the original photograph anymore but the one where the first hole is. I wanted to find the difference between the two pictures to do this |
2017-07-03 06:03:01 -0600 | commented answer | Algorithm for detect similar photos I can use this form to know if the pictures are similar but after I have to extract the differences. Can i do it directly with adsdiff? |
2017-07-03 02:25:01 -0600 | asked a question | Algorithm for detect similar photos Hello to everyone, I wanted to ask you advice. My goal is to create an algorithm that succeeds with a good percentage, to see if two pictures are similar. I have a master photo and all the photos i want to compare with this to see if they are "the same". I wanted to divide the algorithm in 3 points. 1)Load photo to compare and adjust brightness, contrast, histogram 2)I adjust the perspective by calculating matrix h with the original photo 3)I make the difference between the master picture and this (absdiff) My problem is: how do I get a similar picture to that master in brightness and contrast |
2017-06-23 12:47:35 -0600 | commented question | warpPerspective With two cams My problem is just one step ""estimate first the geometric transformation between the IR and normal cameras" The two cams see the screen of a video projector. A cam see what is projected on the screen from the video projector. The second cam ( that works with ir) not see the projected image. They look the same way but they do not see the same thing. I could use the video projector as a reference but I do not get the accuracy |
2017-06-23 05:17:48 -0600 | asked a question | warpPerspective With two cams Hello to all, I'm here to ask for advice. I have two cams that resume the same thing. A cam has a filter that only passes light ir. The other cam is a normal cam that does not pass the light ir. I use this last cam (normal cam) to detect four balls (The four balls are projected onto a wall). These four balls are the vertices of a rectangle. When I find these four points I calculate the matrix H and apply findHomography() to fix the perspective. I would like to calculate this matrix H also for the IR cam but it cant see these 4 balls. How can I calculate matrix H for this new cam? I know the distance to which the two cams are placed Can anybody give me some advice? |
2017-05-12 01:18:58 -0600 | asked a question | Robust detection algorithm Hello to everyone, I'm here to ask for advice to you. i'm noob in opencv. I wanted to make an algorithm that it must find this image (https://www.dropbox.com/s/o78v4c1pqdm...) and calculate the position of the balls in real time. I wrote an algorithm that uses the threshold binary + findcountor function and it works. The problem is that it only works if there is enough light. I would like it to work under all conditions. The questionfor you is: in your opinion, is it best to try to use a function that automatically adjusts the brightness and contrast or change algorithm and use for example "detect + SURF" or some other algorithm that I do not know? The ultimate goal is to know the 4 points for to use "findHomography and warpPerspective" |
2017-05-08 06:54:03 -0600 | received badge | ● Enthusiast |
2017-05-04 02:46:56 -0600 | commented question | opencv 3.2 and xfeatures2d not work thank you very much for helping. I solved by adding all the libraries ending with *d.lib in debug mode e *.lib in release mode |
2017-05-04 02:32:19 -0600 | commented question | opencv 3.2 and xfeatures2d not work Ok but i run the program in debug mode. I took all the libraries to the linker and I added only: opencv_world320d.lib and opencv_xfeatures2d320d.lib. it's right ? |
2017-05-03 11:09:39 -0600 | commented question | opencv 3.2 and xfeatures2d not work Now i compiled opencv 3.2 with cmake and visualstudio 2017. i use opencv 3.2 (opencv-build\install\x64\vc15) |
2017-05-03 10:41:25 -0600 | asked a question | opencv 3.2 and xfeatures2d not work Hi, I use opencv 3.2 and visual studio 2017. I wanted to try this example: when I run the program, it gives me an error. Does anyone know how to help me? the error is: |
2017-05-03 09:39:07 -0600 | commented question | Opencv 3.2 and Videocapture not work I have solved. I've installed all Windows updates. I do not know how I got stuffed but I did :) |
2017-05-03 08:51:50 -0600 | commented question | Opencv 3.2 and Videocapture not work ok i write the id hardware: 1) USB Camera -> VID 0C45 PID 6340 2) USB2.0 HD UVC WebCam -> VID 04F2 PID B354 |
2017-05-03 08:43:32 -0600 | commented question | Opencv 3.2 and Videocapture not work I have already tried both. The result is the same. Gray screen |
2017-05-03 08:40:28 -0600 | commented question | Opencv 3.2 and Videocapture not work I haven't antivirus installed. No, I do not think I have installed MPHC. Do I have to install it? i use https://github.com/opencv/opencv/rele... |
2017-05-03 08:27:16 -0600 | commented question | Opencv 3.2 and Videocapture not work i have 2 camera. A cam is inside the laptop. The second cam is a simple cam usb. I have tried them with AMCap and they work. they are 640x480 |
2017-05-03 07:36:34 -0600 | asked a question | Opencv 3.2 and Videocapture not work Hello to all. I'm noob whit opencv. I'm trying to use Windows 7, Opencv 3.2 and Visual Studio. I test example whit VideoCapture and .avi and it is ok. When i test VideoCapture whit cam usb it is not work. Can someone help me? the code is: If I try this code the program opens the room but I see nothing (gray window) |