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2014-08-29 15:23:22 -0600 commented question OpenCV optimization

@berak I would like to mark your comment as answered but I do not see an option to do so

2014-08-28 06:07:46 -0600 commented question OpenCV optimization

Is there anything else I can do to speed progress up. Im down to about a minute now

2014-08-28 05:52:56 -0600 commented question OpenCV optimization

This is what I was looking for thank you. Can I load the old yml and train say a single image into the existing info? This way when my file gets huge I dont have to wait 15 minutes just for one face?

2014-08-28 05:17:26 -0600 asked a question OpenCV optimization

I have a small program that compares one face to a folder of faces, about 1000 faces. Im using FisherFaceRecognizer and it works decent so far despite it takes 10 minutes to return a result. The end game for this program is to have a database of about 30k faces. What can I do to optimize a little better to help speed up a single search and how should I approach comparing 30k faces without it taking an hour? Would a database of some sort help instead of loading all the images in every time?