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2014-08-21 00:32:16 -0600 asked a question many functions are missing from cv2 (previously in nonfree now in contrib)

I found out the recent master is not usable if one want to use those functions with python located in nonfree/contrib. Because most of those functions are blacklisted since 11/08/2014. Hope they will come back soon.

in modules/python/common.cmake

# module blacklist

ocv_list_filterout(candidate_deps "^opencv_cud(a|ev)")
ocv_list_filterout(candidate_deps "^opencv_adas$")
ocv_list_filterout(candidate_deps "^opencv_face$")
ocv_list_filterout(candidate_deps "^opencv_matlab$")
ocv_list_filterout(candidate_deps "^opencv_tracking$")
ocv_list_filterout(candidate_deps "^opencv_optflow$")
ocv_list_filterout(candidate_deps "^opencv_bgsegm$")
ocv_list_filterout(candidate_deps "^opencv_xfeatures2d$")
ocv_list_filterout(candidate_deps "^opencv_ximgproc$")
ocv_list_filterout(candidate_deps "^opencv_xphoto$")
ocv_list_filterout(candidate_deps "^opencv_ts$")

ocv_add_module(${MODULE_NAME} BINDINGS OPTIONAL ${candidate_deps})

2014-08-20 07:09:21 -0600 commented question -DBUILD_opencv_nonfree:BOOL="1" has no effect in 3.0?

@berak Thanks!

2014-08-20 06:43:58 -0600 asked a question -DBUILD_opencv_nonfree:BOOL="1" has no effect in 3.0?

I cannot build the nonfree modules in opencv 3.0. The -DBUILD_opencv_nonfree:BOOL="1" has no effect at all. How can I build them?

2014-08-20 03:06:10 -0600 asked a question opencv 3.0-dev lots of failures during performance test?

Are they expected, or there is some configuration in my system to cause those errors?

failed with 1 extra row:

failed with Argument "xmap" has unexpected number of rows:


(639 instead of 638)

OCL_StitchingWarpersFixture_StitchingWarpers_BuildMaps.StitchingWarpers_BuildMaps/4, /7, /10

OCL_StitchingWarpersFixture_StitchingWarpers_Warp.StitchingWarpers_Warp/1, /4, /7, /10 with Argument "dst" has unexpected number of rows

failed with unexpected type:

Argument "dst" has unexpected type 16 instead of 24

Size_CvtMode2_cvtColorYUV420.cvtColorYUV420/19, /20, /25, /26, /27, /28, /48, /49, /54--/57, /77, /78, /83--/86

compiled with gcc 4.8.3







test command:

cd build python

../modules/ts/misc/ --check

2014-08-20 02:35:41 -0600 asked a question opencv 3.0-dev lots of failures during accuracy test?

Are they expected, or there is some configuration in my system to cause those errors?

  1. failed with:

    Bad flag (parameter or structure field) (Unrecognized or unsupported array type) in cvGetMat




  2. write_imageseq has Unexpected output: Imgcodecs_Image.write_imageseq

    [ RUN ]



    Failure Failed

    failure reason: Unexpected output test case #-1 seed: ffffffffffffffff ----------------------------------- LOG:

    ... #all failed

    [ FAILED ] Imgcodecs_Image.write_imageseq (5377 ms)

  3. failed with wrong accuracy:

[ RUN ]



Failure Expected: (err) <= (MAX_RMSE),

actual: 0.0309178 vs 0.03 [ FAILED ]


(1541 ms)

compiled with gcc 4.8.3







test command:

cd build python

../modules/ts/misc/ -a

2014-08-19 00:55:22 -0600 asked a question many functions are missing from cv2 in 2.4.9

Can anyone confirm this? In 2.4.9 lots of functions are missing for example: cv2.drawMatches

2014-08-15 01:16:26 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2014-08-15 00:47:46 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2014-08-15 00:44:45 -0600 asked a question the opencv 2.4.9 test failed with Video_calcOpticalFlowDual_TVL1.Regression

Here is the fail message:

[ RUN      ] Video_calcOpticalFlowDual_TVL1.Regression
/home/dracula/mytmp/opencv/modules/video/test/test_tvl1optflow.cpp:169: Failure
Expected: (err) <= (MAX_RMSE), actual: 0.0207956 vs 0.02
[  FAILED  ] Video_calcOpticalFlowDual_TVL1.Regression (1069 ms)

compiled with gcc 4.8.3



opencv: f8758da289c092fcce10baa4723d6388c4e41cb3 2.4.9.x-prep

opencv_extra: 61d59fcaa8d3cebb05ae6eadf0ab8cc5ac597445 tags/2.4.9

Can anyone tell me if this is because I used wrong opencv_extra version? Which version I should use?