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2014-07-22 03:38:40 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2014-07-22 03:37:32 -0600 asked a question Camera Calibration of Microscope Images

Hello openCV-Team,

I have a problem using the camera calibration feature. I used this example from the documentation page:

I adapted the input file, but it does not seem to work. Is it a problem that I use .tiff files for the image input?

Another question is whether it is ok if I don't use this standard checkboard but a grid pattern for the calibration. [Edit:] I don't know how to upload my calibration image to show you what I want to do...

My main question is whether I need more than one picture to calibrate this. I used the input type "Image List" but only put one image in this list. Is that valid?

I apologize for this maybe incomplete description, if you have any additional questions I could answer them.

Thanks a lot in advance!