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Different results of CascadeClasifier on CPU and GPU

I built the latest OpenCV version with cuda support from master branch. After that I tried to use CPU cv::CascadeClassifier and GPU cv::cuda::CascadeClassifier, but faced with a strange result. I use same xml from opencv/data/haarcascades_cuda/haarcascade_fullbody.xml for both CPU and GPU version of CascadeClassifier. CPU Classifier with this xml shows much more objects than GPU classifier.

What I need to do to get equal result?

Another strange thing, that when I set ScaleFactor to 2, speed of CPU version boosted up to 4 times, but GPU version becomes just slightly faster.

My system - Ubuntu 14.04 x64, Video card is GTX-950, Video driver v.352.93

Different results of CascadeClasifier on CPU and GPU

I built the latest OpenCV version with cuda support from master branch. After that I tried to use CPU cv::CascadeClassifier and GPU cv::cuda::CascadeClassifier, but faced with a strange result. I use same xml from opencv/data/haarcascades_cuda/haarcascade_fullbody.xml for both CPU and GPU version of CascadeClassifier. CPU Classifier with this xml shows much more objects than GPU classifier.

What I need to do to get equal result?

Another strange thing, that when I set ScaleFactor to 2, speed of CPU version boosted up to 4 times, but GPU version becomes just slightly faster.

My system - Ubuntu 14.04 x64, Video card is GTX-950, Video driver v.352.93v.352.93 Demonstration project:

Different results of CascadeClasifier on CPU and GPU

I built the latest OpenCV version with cuda support from master branch. After that I tried to use CPU cv::CascadeClassifier and GPU cv::cuda::CascadeClassifier, but faced with a strange result. I use same xml from opencv/data/haarcascades_cuda/haarcascade_fullbody.xml for both CPU and GPU version of CascadeClassifier. CPU Classifier with this xml shows much more objects than GPU classifier.

What I need to do to get equal result?

Another strange thing, that when I set ScaleFactor to 2, speed of CPU version boosted up to 4 times, but GPU version becomes just slightly faster.

My system - Ubuntu 14.04 x64, Video card is GTX-950, Video driver v.352.93 v.352.93

Demonstration project: