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ORB rBRIEF greedy search

I am wondering if is the coding implementation hardcoded result of ORB rBRIEF greedy search ?

If the answer is yes, then why its size is 2564 instead of 2562 since we are taking pairs of two as mentioned in ORB rublee 2011 paper ? Besides, why is N = (31-5)^2 instead of (31-5+1)^2 ?

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Thanks !

ORB rBRIEF greedy search

I am wondering if is the coding implementation hardcoded result of ORB rBRIEF greedy search ?

If the answer is yes, then why its size is 2564 instead of 2562 since we are taking pairs of two as mentioned in ORB rublee 2011 paper ? Besides, why is N = (31-5)^2 instead of (31-5+1)^2 ?

image description

Thanks !

ORB rBRIEF greedy search

I am wondering if is the coding implementation hardcoded result of ORB rBRIEF greedy search ?

If the answer is yes, then why its size is 256256 X 4 instead of 256256 X 2 since we are taking pairs of two as mentioned in ORB rublee 2011 paper ? Besides, why is N = (31-5)^2 instead of (31-5+1)^2 ?

image description

Thanks !