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What does hog.detectROI and hog.detectMultiScaleROI do? and how to use them?

I want to use hog detector in order to know if a ROI is a person or not, I already coded a filtering technique allowing me to select ROIs that can contain a person.

for instance this is what I'm doing: 1.Saving my rois as rectangles 2.For each roi: Cropping the original image, rescaling it and then applying hog.detect() on this image instead of the original one.

this is working but it doesn't seem to be the right way to do what I want. I found out lately that there is the hog.detectROI()(or hog.detectMultiScaleROI()) function, and I'm wondering if I can use it and give it my image and my ROIs as input only once, will it be able to tell me which ROIs are people? I would be grateful if someone can give me an example to know how to use this function, especially what should I give as locations when my ROIs are rectangles? and how to use the returned confidence values to decide?

Thank you in advance.