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inRange() bounds : in agreement with the color space used with cvtColor() ?

Good evening,

I'm trying to use inRange() function, in line with cvtColor() but I'm a little bit confused as to the type of inRange() bounds.

I am converting an image from BGR to HLS (which, I don't know why, isn't HSL...), that is :

cv::cvtColor(original, converted, CV_BGR2HLS)

I would like to extract the white/beige pixels from the converted image. Let's clarify some confusion :

If I want to convert my image from BGR to HLS, in which order should I put values into my cv::Scalar for bounds: HLS or HSL ? Also, I read somewhere that the values put into the cv::Scalar depended of the image's channels: for one channel, values should be coded from 0 to 255 and for 3 channels, it should be different, is that true ?

Thank you for your time !

inRange() bounds : in agreement with the color space used with cvtColor() ?

Good evening,

I'm trying to use inRange() function, in line with cvtColor() but I'm a little bit confused as to the type of inRange() bounds.

I am converting an image from BGR to HLS (which, I don't know why, isn't HSL...), that is :

cv::cvtColor(original, converted, CV_BGR2HLS)

I would like to extract the white/beige pixels from the converted image. Let's clarify some confusion :

If I want to convert my image from BGR to HLS, in which order should I put values into my cv::Scalar for bounds: HLS or HSL ? Also, I read somewhere that the values put into the cv::Scalar depended of the image's channels: for one channel, values should be coded from 0 to 255 and for 3 channels, it should be different, is that true ?

Thank you for your time !

inRange() bounds : in agreement with the color space used with cvtColor() ?

Good evening,

I'm trying to use inRange() function, in line with cvtColor() but I'm a little bit confused as to the type of inRange() bounds.

I am converting an image from BGR to HLS (which, I don't know why, isn't HSL...), that is :

cv::cvtColor(original, converted, CV_BGR2HLS)

I would like to extract the white/beige pixels from the converted image. Let's clarify some confusion :My questions are the following:

If I want to convert my image from BGR to HLS, in

  • Why it is BGR2HLS and not BGR2HSL, which order would be more obvious ?
  • What values should I put values into my cv::Scalar for bounds: HLS bounds to get these white/beige pixels ? (in which order more precisely : Hue, Saturation and Lightness or Hue, Lightness and Saturation ?)

I am confused about the second question, because when I adjust the trackbars' values this way :

cv::Scalar(0, 115, 0) // lower bound
cv::Scalar(180, 255, 255) // upper bound

I can get white and beige pixels, but these values ​​do not seem to match the HSL ? Also, I read somewhere that the values put into the cv::Scalar depended of the image's channels: for one channel, values should be coded from 0 to 255 and for 3 channels, it should be different, is that true ?range at all.

Thank you for your time !

EDIT: I changed the wording of the question and added some code. The code below is a little helper for me, to adjust HSL bounds.

/*                  Taken from stackoverflow */
std::string         typeToString(int type) {
    std::string     ret;
    uchar           depth = type & CV_MAT_DEPTH_MASK;
    uchar           chans = 1 + (type >> CV_CN_SHIFT);

    ret = "CV_";
    switch (depth) {
        case CV_8U:  ret += "8U"; break;
        case CV_8S:  ret += "8S"; break;
        case CV_16U: ret += "16U"; break;
        case CV_16S: ret += "16S"; break;
        case CV_32S: ret += "32S"; break;
        case CV_32F: ret += "32F"; break;
        case CV_64F: ret += "64F"; break;
        default:     ret += "User"; break;
    ret += "C";
    ret += (chans + '0');
    return (ret);

int                 launchHelper() {
    cv::Mat         colorConvertedFrame, firstFilterFrame;
    int             minH = 0, minS = 0, minL = 0;
    int             maxH = 180, maxS = 255, maxL = 255;
    cv::Scalar      minBound, maxBound;

    colorConvertedFrame = cv::imread(IMAGE_PATH);
    if (colorConvertedFrame.empty()) {
        std::cerr << "Frame is empty." << std::endl;
        return (-1);
    std::cout << "Your image has type " << typeToString(colorConvertedFrame.type()) << " !" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Your image has " << colorConvertedFrame.channels() << " channel(s) !" << std::endl;
    cv::namedWindow("Frame with converted color");
    cv::namedWindow("First filter");
    cv::namedWindow("Color panel");
    cv::createTrackbar("Min H", "Color panel", &minH, 180);
    cv::createTrackbar("Max H", "Color panel", &maxH, 180);
    cv::createTrackbar("Min S", "Color panel", &minS, 255);
    cv::createTrackbar("Max S", "Color panel", &maxS, 255);
    cv::createTrackbar("Min L", "Color panel", &minL, 255);
    cv::createTrackbar("Max L", "Color panel", &maxL, 255);
    while (cv::waitKey(1) != 27) {
        minBound = cv::Scalar(minH, minS, minL);
        maxBound = cv::Scalar(maxH, maxS, maxL);
        cv::inRange(colorConvertedFrame, minBound, maxBound, firstFilterFrame);
        cv::imshow("Frame with converted color", colorConvertedFrame);
        cv::imshow("First filter", firstFilterFrame);
    return (0);

int                 main(int ac, char **av) {
    return (launchHelper());

How to set inRange() bounds : in agreement properly when converting color with the color space used with cvtColor() CV_BGR2HLS ?

Good evening,

I'm trying to use inRange() function, in line with cvtColor() but I'm a little bit confused as to the type of inRange() bounds.

I am converting an image from BGR to HLS (which, I don't know why, isn't HSL...), that is :

cv::cvtColor(original, converted, CV_BGR2HLS)

I would like to extract the white/beige pixels from the converted image. My questions are the following:

  • Why it is BGR2HLS and not BGR2HSL, which would be more obvious ?
  • What values should I put into my cv::Scalar bounds to get these white/beige pixels ? (in which order more precisely : Hue, Saturation and Lightness or Hue, Lightness and Saturation ?)

I am confused about the second question, because when I adjust the trackbars' values this way :

cv::Scalar(0, 115, 0) // lower bound
cv::Scalar(180, 255, 255) // upper bound

I can get white and beige pixels, but these values ​​do not seem to match the HSL range at all.

Thank you for your time !

EDIT: I changed the wording of the question and added some code. The code below is a little helper for me, to adjust HSL bounds.

EDIT2: I am an oyster, I forgot to change the title.

/*                  Taken from stackoverflow */
std::string         typeToString(int type) {
    std::string     ret;
    uchar           depth = type & CV_MAT_DEPTH_MASK;
    uchar           chans = 1 + (type >> CV_CN_SHIFT);

    ret = "CV_";
    switch (depth) {
        case CV_8U:  ret += "8U"; break;
        case CV_8S:  ret += "8S"; break;
        case CV_16U: ret += "16U"; break;
        case CV_16S: ret += "16S"; break;
        case CV_32S: ret += "32S"; break;
        case CV_32F: ret += "32F"; break;
        case CV_64F: ret += "64F"; break;
        default:     ret += "User"; break;
    ret += "C";
    ret += (chans + '0');
    return (ret);

int                 launchHelper() {
    cv::Mat         colorConvertedFrame, firstFilterFrame;
    int             minH = 0, minS = 0, minL = 0;
    int             maxH = 180, maxS = 255, maxL = 255;
    cv::Scalar      minBound, maxBound;

    colorConvertedFrame = cv::imread(IMAGE_PATH);
    if (colorConvertedFrame.empty()) {
        std::cerr << "Frame is empty." << std::endl;
        return (-1);
    std::cout << "Your image has type " << typeToString(colorConvertedFrame.type()) << " !" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Your image has " << colorConvertedFrame.channels() << " channel(s) !" << std::endl;
    cv::namedWindow("Frame with converted color");
    cv::namedWindow("First filter");
    cv::namedWindow("Color panel");
    cv::createTrackbar("Min H", "Color panel", &minH, 180);
    cv::createTrackbar("Max H", "Color panel", &maxH, 180);
    cv::createTrackbar("Min S", "Color panel", &minS, 255);
    cv::createTrackbar("Max S", "Color panel", &maxS, 255);
    cv::createTrackbar("Min L", "Color panel", &minL, 255);
    cv::createTrackbar("Max L", "Color panel", &maxL, 255);
    while (cv::waitKey(1) != 27) {
        minBound = cv::Scalar(minH, minS, minL);
        maxBound = cv::Scalar(maxH, maxS, maxL);
        cv::inRange(colorConvertedFrame, minBound, maxBound, firstFilterFrame);
        cv::imshow("Frame with converted color", colorConvertedFrame);
        cv::imshow("First filter", firstFilterFrame);
    return (0);

int                 main(int ac, char **av) {
    return (launchHelper());

How to set inRange() bounds properly when converting color with CV_BGR2HLS ?

Good evening,

I'm trying to use inRange() function, in line with cvtColor() but I'm a little bit confused as to the type of inRange() bounds.

I am converting an image from BGR to HLS (which, I don't know why, isn't HSL...), that is :

cv::cvtColor(original, converted, CV_BGR2HLS)

I would like to extract the white/beige pixels from the converted image. My questions are the following:

  • Why it is BGR2HLS and not BGR2HSL, which would be more obvious ?
  • What values should I put into my cv::Scalar bounds to get these white/beige pixels ? (in which order more precisely : Hue, Saturation and Lightness or Hue, Lightness and Saturation ?)

I am confused about the second question, because when I adjust the trackbars' values this way :

cv::Scalar(0, 115, 0) // lower bound
cv::Scalar(180, 255, 255) // upper bound

I can get white and beige pixels, but these values ​​do not seem to match the HSL range at all.

Thank you for your time !

EDIT: I changed the wording of the question and added some code. The code below is a little helper for me, to adjust HSL bounds.

EDIT2: I am an oyster, I forgot to change the title.

/*                  Taken from stackoverflow */
std::string         typeToString(int type) {
    std::string     ret;
    uchar           depth = type & CV_MAT_DEPTH_MASK;
    uchar           chans = 1 + (type >> CV_CN_SHIFT);

    ret = "CV_";
    switch (depth) {
        case CV_8U:  ret += "8U"; break;
        case CV_8S:  ret += "8S"; break;
        case CV_16U: ret += "16U"; break;
        case CV_16S: ret += "16S"; break;
        case CV_32S: ret += "32S"; break;
        case CV_32F: ret += "32F"; break;
        case CV_64F: ret += "64F"; break;
        default:     ret += "User"; break;
    ret += "C";
    ret += (chans + '0');
    return (ret);

int                 launchHelper() {
    cv::Mat         colorConvertedFrame, firstFilterFrame;
    int             minH = 0, minS = 0, minL = 0;
    int             maxH = 180, maxS = 255, maxL = 255;
    cv::Scalar      minBound, maxBound;

    colorConvertedFrame = cv::imread(IMAGE_PATH);
    if (colorConvertedFrame.empty()) {
        std::cerr << "Frame is empty." << std::endl;
        return (-1);
    std::cout << "Your image has type " << typeToString(colorConvertedFrame.type()) << " !" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Your image has " << colorConvertedFrame.channels() << " channel(s) !" << std::endl;
    cv::namedWindow("Frame with converted color");
    cv::namedWindow("First filter");
    cv::namedWindow("Color panel");
    cv::createTrackbar("Min H", "Color panel", &minH, 180);
    cv::createTrackbar("Max H", "Color panel", &maxH, 180);
    cv::createTrackbar("Min S", "Color panel", &minS, 255);
    cv::createTrackbar("Max S", "Color panel", &maxS, 255);
    cv::createTrackbar("Min L", "Color panel", &minL, 255);
    cv::createTrackbar("Max L", "Color panel", &maxL, 255);
    while (cv::waitKey(1) != 27) {
        minBound = cv::Scalar(minH, minS, minL);
        maxBound = cv::Scalar(maxH, maxS, maxL);
        cv::inRange(colorConvertedFrame, minBound, maxBound, firstFilterFrame);
        cv::imshow("Frame with converted color", colorConvertedFrame);
        cv::imshow("First filter", firstFilterFrame);
    return (0);

int                 main(int ac, char **av) {
    return (launchHelper());