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adaptation between old video capture card and new version opencv

My boss let me write a simple monitoring program which could record video only when people appear. But the equipment we have, simulation video camera with capture card and outdated commputer, are both bought many years ago. I don't know how to use opencv(2.4.12) to play video from old capture card(connect PC via USB).All methods I tried are failed. My code is as follows:

CvCapture *capture1 = cvCreateCameraCapture(0);
    IplImage* img1;
        cvNamedWindow("a", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
        while (1)
            img1 = cvQueryFrame(capture1);
            if (!img1)break;            
            cvShowImage("a", img1); 

The result of it is " ERROR:SampleCB() - buffer sizes do not match". Someone said if add " CV_CAP_DSHOW", " videoinput" mode woud be used. However, the code doesnot work well.

 CvCapture *capture1 = cvCreateCameraCapture(CV_CAP_DSHOW);
        IplImage* img1;
            cvNamedWindow("a", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
            while (1)
                img1 = cvQueryFrame(capture1);
                if (!img1)break;            
                cvShowImage("a", img1); 

The result is still " ERROR:SampleCB() - buffer sizes do not match". How to solve the adaption problem? Please give me some help. Thanks!

adaptation between old video capture card and new version opencv

My boss let me write a simple monitoring program which could record video only when people appear. But the equipment we have, outdated commputer and three simulation video camera cameras with a capture card and outdated commputer, card, are both bought many years ago. I don't know how to use opencv(2.4.12) to play video from old capture card(connect PC via USB).All USB). All methods I tried are failed. My code is as follows:

CvCapture *capture1 = cvCreateCameraCapture(0);
    IplImage* img1;
        cvNamedWindow("a", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
        while (1)
            img1 = cvQueryFrame(capture1);
            if (!img1)break;            
            cvShowImage("a", img1); 

The result of it is " ERROR:SampleCB() - buffer sizes do not match". Someone said if add " CV_CAP_DSHOW", " videoinput" mode woud be used. However, the code doesnot work well.

 CvCapture *capture1 = cvCreateCameraCapture(CV_CAP_DSHOW);
        IplImage* img1;
            cvNamedWindow("a", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
            while (1)
                img1 = cvQueryFrame(capture1);
                if (!img1)break;            
                cvShowImage("a", img1); 

The result is still " ERROR:SampleCB() - buffer sizes do not match". How to solve the adaption problem? Please give me some help. Thanks!