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Is PyramidAdaptedFeatureDetector gone in OpenCV 3?

[this question was already asked [here](, but received no answers]

I have an OpenCV 2 C++ program which makes use of PyramidAdaptedFeatureDetector (used over a GoodFeaturesToTrackDetector for a Lukas-Kanade optical flow) and would like to port it to OpenCV 3. However I cannot find any trace of that class in the docs or in the code for OpenCV 3. Has it been removed? What is suggested as a replacement?

Is PyramidAdaptedFeatureDetector gone in OpenCV 3?

[this This question was already asked [here](, here, but received no answers]answers.

I have an OpenCV 2 C++ program which makes use of PyramidAdaptedFeatureDetector (used over a GoodFeaturesToTrackDetector for a Lukas-Kanade optical flow) and would like to port it to OpenCV 3. However I cannot find any trace of that class in the docs or in the code for OpenCV 3. Has it been removed? What is suggested as a replacement?