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grab and process multiple frames in different threads - opencv semi-related

Well as the title says I would like to grab and process multiple frames in different threads by using a circular buffer or more, I hope that you can point me to what is better. For grabbing frames I am not using the VideoCapture() class from opencv but the libfreenect2 library and the corresponding listener since I am working with the Kinect one sensor which is not compatible with the VideoCapture() + openi2 functionality yet. My intention is to have one thread grabbing frames continuously in order not to affect the framerate that I can get from the kinect sensor, also here I might add a viewer in order to have a live monitor of what is happening (I do not know though how feasible is this and how it will affect the framerate) and having another thread where I would do all the process. From the libfreenect2 listener I can obtain multiple views regarding the sensor so at the same time I can have a frame for the rgb camera, one for the ir, one for the depth and with some process I can also obtain an rgbd. My question now is how to make shareable these frames to the two threads. Having a look in the following questions Time delay in VideoCapture opencv due to capture buffer and waitKey(1) timing issues causing frame rate slow down - fix? I think that a good approach would be to go with two threads an a circular buffer approach. However, what is more logical to have multiple circular buffers for each view or one circular buffer which will contain a container (e.g. an stl vector<>) with the frames from each view.

image description

At the moment I am using the second approach with the vector, as it can be seen below:

//! [headers]
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <atomic>

#include <libfreenect2/libfreenect2.hpp>
#include <libfreenect2/frame_listener_impl.h>
#include <libfreenect2/registration.h>
#include <libfreenect2/packet_pipeline.h>
#include <libfreenect2/logger.h>
//! [headers]

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

enum Process { cl, gl, cpu };

std::queue<vector<cv::Mat> > buffer;
std::mutex mtxCam;
std::atomic<bool> grabOn; // this is lock free

void grabber()
    //! [context]
    libfreenect2::Freenect2 freenect2;
    libfreenect2::Freenect2Device *dev = nullptr;
    libfreenect2::PacketPipeline *pipeline = nullptr;
    //! [context]

    //! [discovery]
    if(freenect2.enumerateDevices() == 0)
        std::cout << "no device connected!" << endl;
//        return -1;

    string serial = freenect2.getDefaultDeviceSerialNumber();
//    string serial = "014947350647";

    std::cout << "SERIAL: " << serial << endl;

    //! [discovery]

    int depthProcessor = Process::cl;

    if(depthProcessor == Process::cpu)
            //! [pipeline]
            pipeline = new libfreenect2::CpuPacketPipeline();
            //! [pipeline]
    } else if (depthProcessor == Process::gl) {
            pipeline = new libfreenect2::OpenGLPacketPipeline();
        std::cout << "OpenGL pipeline is not supported!" << std::endl;
    } else if (depthProcessor == Process::cl) {
            pipeline = new libfreenect2::OpenCLPacketPipeline();
        std::cout << "OpenCL pipeline is not supported!" << std::endl;

        //! [open]
        dev = freenect2.openDevice(serial, pipeline);
        //! [open]
    } else {
        dev = freenect2.openDevice(serial);

    if(dev == 0)
        std::cout << "failure opening device!" << endl;
//        return -1;

    //! [listeners]
    libfreenect2::SyncMultiFrameListener listener(libfreenect2::Frame::Color |
                                                  libfreenect2::Frame::Depth |
    libfreenect2::FrameMap frames;

    //! [listeners]

    //! [start]

    std::cout << "device serial: " << dev->getSerialNumber() << endl;
    std::cout << "device firmware: " << dev->getFirmwareVersion() << endl;
    //! [start]

    //! [registration setup]
    libfreenect2::Registration* registration = new libfreenect2::Registration(dev->getIrCameraParams(), dev->getColorCameraParams());
    libfreenect2::Frame undistorted(512, 424, 4), rgb2depth(512, 424, 4), depth2rgb(1920, 1080 + 2, 4);
    //! [registration setup]

    Mat rgbmat, depthmat, irmat, rgbdmat, rgbdmat2, depthImg2;
    vector<Mat> matBuff;

    while (grabOn.load() == true)
        libfreenect2::Frame *rgb = frames[libfreenect2::Frame::Color];
        libfreenect2::Frame *ir = frames[libfreenect2::Frame::Ir];
        libfreenect2::Frame *depth = frames[libfreenect2::Frame::Depth];
        //! [loop start]

        cv::Mat(rgb->height, rgb->width, CV_8UC4, rgb->data).copyTo(rgbmat);
        cv::Mat(ir->height, ir->width, CV_32FC1, ir->data).copyTo(irmat);
  //      cv::Mat(depth->height, depth->width, CV_32FC1, depth->data).copyTo(depthmat);

        //! [registration]
        registration->apply(rgb, depth, &undistorted, &rgb2depth, true, &depth2rgb);
        //! [registration]

        cv::Mat(undistorted.height, undistorted.width, CV_32FC1,;
        cv::Mat(rgb2depth.height, rgb2depth.width, CV_8UC4,;
        cv::Mat(depth2rgb.height, depth2rgb.width, CV_32FC1,;


        matBuff.push_back(irmat.clone()); // should that be a .clone()?



        putText(irmat, "THREAD FRAME", Point(10, 10), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0));
        imshow("Image thread - ir", irmat / 4500.0f);

        putText(depthmat, "THREAD FRAME", Point(10, 10), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0));
        imshow("Image thread - depth", depthmat / 4500.0f);

        putText(rgbdmat, "THREAD FRAME", Point(10, 10), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0));
        imshow("Image thread - rgbd", rgbdmat);
        waitKey(1);    //just for imshow

        //! [loop end]
    //! [stop]
    //! [stop]

    delete registration;

void processor(vector<Mat> &imgs/*const Mat &src*/)
    if(imgs.empty()) return;
    putText(imgs[0], "PROCESS FRAME", Point(10, 10), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0));
    imshow("Image main - ir", imgs[0] / 4500.0f);

    putText(imgs[1], "PROCESS FRAME", Point(10, 10), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0));
    imshow("Image main - depth", imgs[1] / 4500.0f);

    putText(imgs[2], "PROCESS FRAME", Point(10, 10), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0));
    imshow("Image main - rgbd", imgs[2]);

int main() {
    std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl;
//    Mat frame;
    vector<Mat> frames;;                // set the grabbing control variable
    thread t(grabber);          // start the grabbing task
    size_t bufSize;
    while (true) {

        mtxCam.lock();                // lock memory for exclusive access
        bufSize = buffer.size();      // check how many frames are waiting
        if (bufSize > 0)              // if some
            // reference to buffer.front() should be valid after
            // pop because of cv::Mat memory reference counting
            // but it's content can change after unlock, better to keep a copy
            // an alternative is to unlock after processing (this will lock grabbing)
            frames = buffer.front();
//            buffer.front().copyTo(frame);   // get the oldest grabbed frame (queue=FIFO)
            buffer.pop();            // release the queue item
        mtxCam.unlock();            // unlock the memory

        if (bufSize > 0)            // if a new frame is available
//            cout << "inside...................: " << bufSize << endl;
            processor(frames);    // process it

        // if bufSize is increasing means that process time is too slow regards to grab time
        // may be you will have out of memory soon
        cout << endl << "frame to process:" << bufSize;

        if (waitKey(1) == 27)        // press ESC to terminate
  ;    // stop the grab loop
            t.join();               // wait for the grab loop

            cout << endl << "Flushing buffer of:" << bufSize << " frames...";
            while (!buffer.empty())    // flushing the buffer
                frames = buffer.front();
            cout << "done" << endl;
            break; // exit from process loop
//    cout << endl << "Press Enter to terminate"; cin.get();
    std::cout << "Goodbye World!" << std::endl;
    return 0;

Is that ok what do you think? @pklab? For the moderators, though it is not a pure OpenCV question I think it suits to the form of the forum and I think that it would be quite useful for others as well.

grab and process multiple frames in different threads - opencv semi-related

Well as the title says I would like to grab and process multiple frames in different threads by using a circular buffer or more, I hope that you can point me to what is better. For grabbing frames I am not using the VideoCapture() class from opencv but the libfreenect2 library and the corresponding listener since I am working with the Kinect one sensor which is not compatible with the VideoCapture() + openi2 functionality yet. My intention is to have one thread grabbing frames continuously in order not to affect the framerate that I can get from the kinect sensor, also here I might add a viewer in order to have a live monitor of what is happening (I do not know though how feasible is this and how it will affect the framerate) and having another thread where I would do all the process. From the libfreenect2 listener I can obtain multiple views regarding the sensor so at the same time I can have a frame for the rgb camera, one for the ir, one for the depth and with some process I can also obtain an rgbd. My question now is how to make shareable these frames to the two threads. Having a look in the following questions Time delay in VideoCapture opencv due to capture buffer and waitKey(1) timing issues causing frame rate slow down - fix? I think that a good approach would be to go with two threads an a circular buffer approach. However, what is more logical to have multiple circular buffers for each view or one circular buffer which will contain a container (e.g. an stl vector<>) with the frames from each view.

image description

At the moment I am using the second approach with the vector, as it can be seen vector and adapting @pklab 's approach from the first link I posted above. Code is below:

//! [headers]
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <atomic>

#include <libfreenect2/libfreenect2.hpp>
#include <libfreenect2/frame_listener_impl.h>
#include <libfreenect2/registration.h>
#include <libfreenect2/packet_pipeline.h>
#include <libfreenect2/logger.h>
//! [headers]

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

enum Process { cl, gl, cpu };

std::queue<vector<cv::Mat> > buffer;
std::mutex mtxCam;
std::atomic<bool> grabOn; // this is lock free

void grabber()
    //! [context]
    libfreenect2::Freenect2 freenect2;
    libfreenect2::Freenect2Device *dev = nullptr;
    libfreenect2::PacketPipeline *pipeline = nullptr;
    //! [context]

    //! [discovery]
    if(freenect2.enumerateDevices() == 0)
        std::cout << "no device connected!" << endl;
//        return -1;

    string serial = freenect2.getDefaultDeviceSerialNumber();
//    string serial = "014947350647";

    std::cout << "SERIAL: " << serial << endl;

    //! [discovery]

    int depthProcessor = Process::cl;

    if(depthProcessor == Process::cpu)
            //! [pipeline]
            pipeline = new libfreenect2::CpuPacketPipeline();
            //! [pipeline]
    } else if (depthProcessor == Process::gl) {
            pipeline = new libfreenect2::OpenGLPacketPipeline();
        std::cout << "OpenGL pipeline is not supported!" << std::endl;
    } else if (depthProcessor == Process::cl) {
            pipeline = new libfreenect2::OpenCLPacketPipeline();
        std::cout << "OpenCL pipeline is not supported!" << std::endl;

        //! [open]
        dev = freenect2.openDevice(serial, pipeline);
        //! [open]
    } else {
        dev = freenect2.openDevice(serial);

    if(dev == 0)
        std::cout << "failure opening device!" << endl;
//        return -1;

    //! [listeners]
    libfreenect2::SyncMultiFrameListener listener(libfreenect2::Frame::Color |
                                                  libfreenect2::Frame::Depth |
    libfreenect2::FrameMap frames;

    //! [listeners]

    //! [start]

    std::cout << "device serial: " << dev->getSerialNumber() << endl;
    std::cout << "device firmware: " << dev->getFirmwareVersion() << endl;
    //! [start]

    //! [registration setup]
    libfreenect2::Registration* registration = new libfreenect2::Registration(dev->getIrCameraParams(), dev->getColorCameraParams());
    libfreenect2::Frame undistorted(512, 424, 4), rgb2depth(512, 424, 4), depth2rgb(1920, 1080 + 2, 4);
    //! [registration setup]

    Mat rgbmat, depthmat, irmat, rgbdmat, rgbdmat2, depthImg2;
    vector<Mat> matBuff;

    while (grabOn.load() == true)
        libfreenect2::Frame *rgb = frames[libfreenect2::Frame::Color];
        libfreenect2::Frame *ir = frames[libfreenect2::Frame::Ir];
        libfreenect2::Frame *depth = frames[libfreenect2::Frame::Depth];
        //! [loop start]

        cv::Mat(rgb->height, rgb->width, CV_8UC4, rgb->data).copyTo(rgbmat);
        cv::Mat(ir->height, ir->width, CV_32FC1, ir->data).copyTo(irmat);
  //      cv::Mat(depth->height, depth->width, CV_32FC1, depth->data).copyTo(depthmat);

        //! [registration]
        registration->apply(rgb, depth, &undistorted, &rgb2depth, true, &depth2rgb);
        //! [registration]

        cv::Mat(undistorted.height, undistorted.width, CV_32FC1,;
        cv::Mat(rgb2depth.height, rgb2depth.width, CV_8UC4,;
        cv::Mat(depth2rgb.height, depth2rgb.width, CV_32FC1,;


        matBuff.push_back(irmat.clone()); // should that be a .clone()?



        putText(irmat, "THREAD FRAME", Point(10, 10), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0));
        imshow("Image thread - ir", irmat / 4500.0f);

        putText(depthmat, "THREAD FRAME", Point(10, 10), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0));
        imshow("Image thread - depth", depthmat / 4500.0f);

        putText(rgbdmat, "THREAD FRAME", Point(10, 10), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0));
        imshow("Image thread - rgbd", rgbdmat);
        waitKey(1);    //just for imshow

        //! [loop end]
    //! [stop]
    //! [stop]

    delete registration;

void processor(vector<Mat> &imgs/*const Mat &src*/)
    if(imgs.empty()) return;
    putText(imgs[0], "PROCESS FRAME", Point(10, 10), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0));
    imshow("Image main - ir", imgs[0] / 4500.0f);

    putText(imgs[1], "PROCESS FRAME", Point(10, 10), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0));
    imshow("Image main - depth", imgs[1] / 4500.0f);

    putText(imgs[2], "PROCESS FRAME", Point(10, 10), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0));
    imshow("Image main - rgbd", imgs[2]);

int main() {
    std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl;
//    Mat frame;
    vector<Mat> frames;;                // set the grabbing control variable
    thread t(grabber);          // start the grabbing task
    size_t bufSize;
    while (true) {

        mtxCam.lock();                // lock memory for exclusive access
        bufSize = buffer.size();      // check how many frames are waiting
        if (bufSize > 0)              // if some
            // reference to buffer.front() should be valid after
            // pop because of cv::Mat memory reference counting
            // but it's content can change after unlock, better to keep a copy
            // an alternative is to unlock after processing (this will lock grabbing)
            frames = buffer.front();
//            buffer.front().copyTo(frame);   // get the oldest grabbed frame (queue=FIFO)
            buffer.pop();            // release the queue item
        mtxCam.unlock();            // unlock the memory

        if (bufSize > 0)            // if a new frame is available
//            cout << "inside...................: " << bufSize << endl;
            processor(frames);    // process it

        // if bufSize is increasing means that process time is too slow regards to grab time
        // may be you will have out of memory soon
        cout << endl << "frame to process:" << bufSize;

        if (waitKey(1) == 27)        // press ESC to terminate
  ;    // stop the grab loop
            t.join();               // wait for the grab loop

            cout << endl << "Flushing buffer of:" << bufSize << " frames...";
            while (!buffer.empty())    // flushing the buffer
                frames = buffer.front();
            cout << "done" << endl;
            break; // exit from process loop
//    cout << endl << "Press Enter to terminate"; cin.get();
    std::cout << "Goodbye World!" << std::endl;
    return 0;

Is that ok what do you think? @pklab? For the moderators, though it is not a pure OpenCV question I think it suits to the form of the forum and I think that it would be quite useful for others as well.

grab and process multiple frames in different threads - opencv semi-related

Well as the title says I would like to grab and process multiple frames in different threads by using a circular buffer or more, I hope that you can point me to what is better. For grabbing frames I am not using the VideoCapture() class from opencv but the libfreenect2 library and the corresponding listener since I am working with the Kinect one sensor which is not compatible with the VideoCapture() + openi2 functionality yet. My intention is to have one thread grabbing frames continuously in order not to affect the framerate that I can get from the kinect sensor, also here I might add a viewer in order to have a live monitor of what is happening (I do not know though how feasible is this and how it will affect the framerate) and having another thread where I would do all the process. From the libfreenect2 listener I can obtain multiple views regarding the sensor so at the same time I can have a frame for the rgb camera, one for the ir, one for the depth and with some process I can also obtain an rgbd. My question now is how to make shareable these frames to the two threads. Having a look in the following questions Time delay in VideoCapture opencv due to capture buffer and waitKey(1) timing issues causing frame rate slow down - fix? I think that a good approach would be to go with two threads an and a circular buffer approach. buffer. However, what is more logical logical? to have multiple circular buffers for each view or one circular buffer which will contain a container (e.g. an stl vector<>) with the frames from each view.

image description

At the moment I am using the second approach with the vector and adapting @pklab 's approach from the first link I posted above. Code is below:

//! [headers]
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <atomic>

#include <libfreenect2/libfreenect2.hpp>
#include <libfreenect2/frame_listener_impl.h>
#include <libfreenect2/registration.h>
#include <libfreenect2/packet_pipeline.h>
#include <libfreenect2/logger.h>
//! [headers]

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

enum Process { cl, gl, cpu };

std::queue<vector<cv::Mat> > buffer;
std::mutex mtxCam;
std::atomic<bool> grabOn; // this is lock free

void grabber()
    //! [context]
    libfreenect2::Freenect2 freenect2;
    libfreenect2::Freenect2Device *dev = nullptr;
    libfreenect2::PacketPipeline *pipeline = nullptr;
    //! [context]

    //! [discovery]
    if(freenect2.enumerateDevices() == 0)
        std::cout << "no device connected!" << endl;
//        return -1;

    string serial = freenect2.getDefaultDeviceSerialNumber();
//    string serial = "014947350647";

    std::cout << "SERIAL: " << serial << endl;

    //! [discovery]

    int depthProcessor = Process::cl;

    if(depthProcessor == Process::cpu)
            //! [pipeline]
            pipeline = new libfreenect2::CpuPacketPipeline();
            //! [pipeline]
    } else if (depthProcessor == Process::gl) {
            pipeline = new libfreenect2::OpenGLPacketPipeline();
        std::cout << "OpenGL pipeline is not supported!" << std::endl;
    } else if (depthProcessor == Process::cl) {
            pipeline = new libfreenect2::OpenCLPacketPipeline();
        std::cout << "OpenCL pipeline is not supported!" << std::endl;

        //! [open]
        dev = freenect2.openDevice(serial, pipeline);
        //! [open]
    } else {
        dev = freenect2.openDevice(serial);

    if(dev == 0)
        std::cout << "failure opening device!" << endl;
//        return -1;

    //! [listeners]
    libfreenect2::SyncMultiFrameListener listener(libfreenect2::Frame::Color |
                                                  libfreenect2::Frame::Depth |
    libfreenect2::FrameMap frames;

    //! [listeners]

    //! [start]

    std::cout << "device serial: " << dev->getSerialNumber() << endl;
    std::cout << "device firmware: " << dev->getFirmwareVersion() << endl;
    //! [start]

    //! [registration setup]
    libfreenect2::Registration* registration = new libfreenect2::Registration(dev->getIrCameraParams(), dev->getColorCameraParams());
    libfreenect2::Frame undistorted(512, 424, 4), rgb2depth(512, 424, 4), depth2rgb(1920, 1080 + 2, 4);
    //! [registration setup]

    Mat rgbmat, depthmat, irmat, rgbdmat, rgbdmat2, depthImg2;
    vector<Mat> matBuff;

    while (grabOn.load() == true)
        libfreenect2::Frame *rgb = frames[libfreenect2::Frame::Color];
        libfreenect2::Frame *ir = frames[libfreenect2::Frame::Ir];
        libfreenect2::Frame *depth = frames[libfreenect2::Frame::Depth];
        //! [loop start]

        cv::Mat(rgb->height, rgb->width, CV_8UC4, rgb->data).copyTo(rgbmat);
        cv::Mat(ir->height, ir->width, CV_32FC1, ir->data).copyTo(irmat);
  //      cv::Mat(depth->height, depth->width, CV_32FC1, depth->data).copyTo(depthmat);

        //! [registration]
        registration->apply(rgb, depth, &undistorted, &rgb2depth, true, &depth2rgb);
        //! [registration]

        cv::Mat(undistorted.height, undistorted.width, CV_32FC1,;
        cv::Mat(rgb2depth.height, rgb2depth.width, CV_8UC4,;
        cv::Mat(depth2rgb.height, depth2rgb.width, CV_32FC1,;


        matBuff.push_back(irmat.clone()); // should that be a .clone()?



        putText(irmat, "THREAD FRAME", Point(10, 10), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0));
        imshow("Image thread - ir", irmat / 4500.0f);

        putText(depthmat, "THREAD FRAME", Point(10, 10), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0));
        imshow("Image thread - depth", depthmat / 4500.0f);

        putText(rgbdmat, "THREAD FRAME", Point(10, 10), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0));
        imshow("Image thread - rgbd", rgbdmat);
        waitKey(1);    //just for imshow

        //! [loop end]
    //! [stop]
    //! [stop]

    delete registration;

void processor(vector<Mat> &imgs/*const Mat &src*/)
    if(imgs.empty()) return;
    putText(imgs[0], "PROCESS FRAME", Point(10, 10), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0));
    imshow("Image main - ir", imgs[0] / 4500.0f);

    putText(imgs[1], "PROCESS FRAME", Point(10, 10), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0));
    imshow("Image main - depth", imgs[1] / 4500.0f);

    putText(imgs[2], "PROCESS FRAME", Point(10, 10), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0));
    imshow("Image main - rgbd", imgs[2]);

int main() {
    std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl;
//    Mat frame;
    vector<Mat> frames;;                // set the grabbing control variable
    thread t(grabber);          // start the grabbing task
    size_t bufSize;
    while (true) {

        mtxCam.lock();                // lock memory for exclusive access
        bufSize = buffer.size();      // check how many frames are waiting
        if (bufSize > 0)              // if some
            // reference to buffer.front() should be valid after
            // pop because of cv::Mat memory reference counting
            // but it's content can change after unlock, better to keep a copy
            // an alternative is to unlock after processing (this will lock grabbing)
            frames = buffer.front();
//            buffer.front().copyTo(frame);   // get the oldest grabbed frame (queue=FIFO)
            buffer.pop();            // release the queue item
        mtxCam.unlock();            // unlock the memory

        if (bufSize > 0)            // if a new frame is available
//            cout << "inside...................: " << bufSize << endl;
            processor(frames);    // process it

        // if bufSize is increasing means that process time is too slow regards to grab time
        // may be you will have out of memory soon
        cout << endl << "frame to process:" << bufSize;

        if (waitKey(1) == 27)        // press ESC to terminate
  ;    // stop the grab loop
            t.join();               // wait for the grab loop

            cout << endl << "Flushing buffer of:" << bufSize << " frames...";
            while (!buffer.empty())    // flushing the buffer
                frames = buffer.front();
            cout << "done" << endl;
            break; // exit from process loop
//    cout << endl << "Press Enter to terminate"; cin.get();
    std::cout << "Goodbye World!" << std::endl;
    return 0;

Is that ok what do you think? @pklab? For the moderators, though it is not a pure OpenCV question I think it suits to the form of the forum and I think that it would be quite useful for others as well.