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Problems with using objects of Mat

I'm trying to run the attached code, and I'm getting errors about the objects of the class Mat. I tried adding the file Mat.hpp to the code and it didn't help. though the code itself isn't problematic- other pepole on that forum used it and it worked. so I guess something's wrong with how I'm using the class or with how I'm using openCV in general. If someone can guide me I'll be very happy. Thank you very much!!!

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updated 2015-12-06 05:37:06 -0600

berak gravatar image

Problems with using objects of Mat

I'm trying to run the attached code, and I'm getting errors about the objects of the class Mat. I tried adding the file Mat.hpp to the code and it didn't help. though the code itself isn't problematic- other pepole on that forum used it and it worked. so I guess something's wrong with how I'm using the class or with how I'm using openCV in general. If someone can guide me I'll be very happy. Thank you very much!!!

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